AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6.0.51192 (RC 1) Now Available


This applies to all users on all operating systems using beta 19 or earlier. Due to some changes and bug fixes made for RC 1, the Clients must be manually installed, as opposed to using Deadline’s auto-update feature. After you are running a minimum of RC 1, there should be no issues auto upgrading from RC 1 to future release candidates, or to the final release of 6.0 (assuming it’s different than RC 1).

The feature set for Deadline 6.0 is essentially complete at this point, and we will be focusing on bug fixes and documentation in the upcoming weeks. We will still accept feature requests, but they will have to wait for a future release. As always, if you find any bugs, let us know ASAP so that we can fix them before 6.0 is released.



What’s New In Deadline 6.0.51192 (RC 1)

This release fixes a bunch of bugs and adds a few missing features.

General Improvements

  • The -shutdown command line option for the Slave, Monitor, and Pulse no longer needs to be run as the same user.
  • Scheduling times for Power Management are no longer converted to local time, which fixes some bugs.

Installer Improvements

  • The Repository installer now lets you choose the MongoDB installation directory.
  • The Client installer no longer write to the user’s Deadline folder. This addresses some additional permission issues.
  • The Client installer writes the Launch Slave At Startup setting to the system deadline.ini file, and the Clients will use this value if one is not already set in the user deadline.ini file.
  • The Mac OSX Client and Repository installers now properly run as Administrator.
  • The Linux and Mac OSX Client installers now properly set permissions on the system Deadline folder.
  • The Linux and Mac OSX Client uninstallers now properly remove the Deadline log folder.
  • The Mac OSX Repository uninstaller now properly removes the MongoDB log folder.

Launcher Improvements

  • Added the Add Slave Instance and Remove Slave Instance menu items back to the Launcher menu. Their visibility is controlled from the User Group Permissions.

Monitor Improvements

  • Changing a job’s frame list now properly updates the job’s task count, as well as the task collection.
  • When changing a job’s frame list, it will now respect the global task count limit in the Repository Options.
  • Added an option to the Tools menu to remotely connect to the Pulse log.
  • Frames Per Task is now shown in the Job Details panel under the Job section.
  • Fixed a bug in the Task Image Viewer that prevented it from working properly on Mac OSX.
  • Fixed a sorting bug for columns that show dates, which affected users with different regional settings.
  • The VNC script now works properly with gvncviewer.
  • The Cloud panel now properly color-codes the rows based on the state of the instances.

Slave Improvements

  • On Mac OSX, an external application is no longer used to check the bitness of the render executable.
  • On Mac OSX, an external application is no longer used to determine free disk space.
  • Fixed a stalled slave detection bug that could occur if there is a connection issue with the database.

Pulse Improvements

  • Removed the log window like we did with the Slave, and reorganized the UI.
  • On Mac OSX, an external application is no longer used to determine free disk space.

Command Improvements

  • Added command to remotely connect to the Pulse log.
  • When changing a job’s frame list, it will now respect the global task count limit in the Repository Options.

Arion Improvements

  • Added support for Arion’s RenderWarrior command line renderer.

Generation Improvements

  • The Generation submitter has been upgraded for Deadline 6, allowing you to submit comps to Deadline to render with Fusion.

Maxwell Improvements

  • Added cleanup code to take care of extra channel files after a merge.
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