AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6.0.51362 (RC 2) Now Available


This only applies to users who are running beta 19 or earlier. RC 1 introduced some changes to the Client installer, so anyone running beta 19 or earlier must manually reinstall the Clients, as opposed to using Deadline’s auto-update feature. If you are already running a minimum of RC 1, you will be able to use Deadline’s auto-update feature to upgrade from RC 1 to RC 2 and so on. See the Upgrading documentation in the CHM or PDF Deadline 6 manuals for more information.

The feature set for Deadline 6.0 is essentially complete at this point, and we will be focusing on bug fixes and documentation in the upcoming weeks. We will still accept feature requests, but they will have to wait for a future release. As always, if you find any bugs, let us know ASAP so that we can fix them before 6.0 is released.



What’s New In Deadline 6.0.51362 (RC 2)

This release fixes a bunch of bugs and adds a few missing features.

General Improvements

  • The Launcher daemon on Linux can now run as another user instead of root.

Installer Improvements

  • The Linux Client installer now lets you specify the user to run the Launcher daemon as. If left blank, it will run as root.

Launcher Improvements

  • The Remove Slave Instances menu option now properly shows the slave names in the list.

Monitor Improvements

  • Rendering slaves now show their License information in the Monitor (before, only idle slaves would).
  • The Remote Commands panel is no longer automatically opened for Remote Control commands if the current user doesn’t have permissions to see that panel.
  • Drag & drop job dependencies no longer trigger if any modifier keys are held down (SHIFT, CTRL, etc). This prevents accidental drops when multi-selecting jobs.
  • The Last Status Update column in the Slave and Pulse list is now a timestamp. This fixes some potential performance issues in the UI.
  • The Status Message column in the Slave list is now called Offline Message, and is meant to show why the Slave is offline (manual shutdown, power management, etc).
  • The Remote Command dialog no longer shows duplicates, and automatically selects the last executed command as the default for next time.
  • Importing an archived job no longer fails if that job’s auxiliary files haven’t been removed from the Repository yet.
  • Added confirmation messages when changing the state of tasks.
  • When requeuing tasks, you now have the option to blacklist or un-whitelist the slave that rendered the task.
  • Fixed some bugs with how lists counts were being set when filters were applied.
  • Fixed a bug when importing archived jobs that could affect the task state counts.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the progress of jobs shown in the job list to be out of sync with the state of their actual tasks.

Slave Improvements

  • Removed line of debug output when connecting to a remote Slave log.
  • On OSX, the Slave now properly gets the image sizes after a render finishes.
  • The Slave now writes its current job info when it starts a task. This ensures that the Slave’s task is requeued if the Slave crashes early in the render.

Pulse Improvements

  • The Machine Startup feature for Power Management no longer tries to wake up slaves that are in a job’s bad slave list.

Shotgun Improvements

  • Added option to Shotgun event configuration to disable SSL validation.

3dsmax Improvements

  • If 3dsmax crashes, we now try to figure out if it’s a backburner-related issue, and include this in the error message if necessary.
  • Added popup ignorer for GrowFX popup.

After Effects Improvements

  • Fixed a minor bug when setting the initial concurrent task value in the integrated script.

Arion Improvements

  • The plugin icon file is now included.
  • Added the option to specify the LDR and HDR output paths.
  • Added support for missing channels.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • The Shotgun connection button in the integrated submitter no longer locks up Cinema 4D.

Maya Improvements

  • Added support for the Octane renderer.
  • Added support for the Caustic Visualizer renderer.
  • The “Thinkbox” shelf for the integrated submitter is now called “Deadline”. You can delete the old “Thinkbox” shelf.
  • Fixed a bug with how output paths were being passed to Deadline when submitting jobs with multiple layers and/or renderable cameras.

modo Improvements

  • Tile rendering now works with Pass Groups.

Nuke Improvements

  • The Shotgun connection button in the integrated submitter is now working again.
  • You can now toggle the Batch Mode option from the Monitor in the job properties dialog.
  • Progress reporting now works when Batch Mode is enabled.
  • Added option in integrated submitter to submit write nodes as selected tasks. This can be useful if you have a bunch of write nodes in a Nuke script to output different Quicktime movies. You can enable this option, and bump up the Concurrent Tasks value to allow machines to process multiple write nodes concurrently. Since Quicktime generation only uses a single thread, you can get much better throughput with this option on multi-core machines.
  • Increased the upper limit for the Maximum RAM Usage setting when modifying it from the Monitor.

Octane Improvements

  • Added support for the standalone Octane renderer.

Softimage Improvements

  • Added missing “2014” version to the Monitor submitter.
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