AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6.0.51436 (RC 4) Now Available


This only applies to users who are running beta 19 or earlier. RC 1 introduced some changes to the Client installer, so anyone running beta 19 or earlier must manually reinstall the Clients, as opposed to using Deadline’s auto-update feature. If you are already running a minimum of RC 1, you will be able to use Deadline’s auto-update feature to upgrade from RC 1 to RC 2 and so on. See the Upgrading documentation in the CHM or PDF Deadline 6 manuals for more information.

The feature set for Deadline 6.0 is essentially complete at this point, and we will be focusing on bug fixes and documentation in the upcoming weeks. We will still accept feature requests, but they will have to wait for a future release. As always, if you find any bugs, let us know ASAP so that we can fix them before 6.0 is released.



What’s New In Deadline 6.0.51436 (RC 4)

This release fixes a few bugs.

Monitor Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that would cause a null reference exception if the manual housecleaning is run more than once.
  • Fixed a task cache error if the job that is currently selected in the Monitor is deleted from another source.

Slave Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that caused pre/post job scripts to report that they had finished before they had actually finished running.

Scripting Improvements

  • Added a function to update the job’s submission date.

Shotgun Improvements

  • The template settings in the event plugin configuration are now saved properly.

In case it isn’t clear - this is the last release before public release of 6.0 barring any major issues. Please hit it hard!!


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