AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6.1.52433 (Beta 3) Now Available


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.1:



What’s New In Deadline 6.1.52433 (Beta 3)

This release mainly fixes some bugs that came up recently, including some additional Python stability issues in the Slave application.

General Improvements

  • If a Limit or a Machine Limit white list is empty, it will no longer prevent a job from rendering.
  • Fixed a “Method not found: ‘System.Numerics.BigInteger.Parse’” error on OSX and Linux when performing operations like importing an archived job, requeuing a task, etc.

Monitor Improvements

  • Fixed a regression that prevented the “After Last Task” remote commands from being sent to the slaves.
  • The “Rendering” job quick filter now works properly.
  • Consolidated all “Pending (…)” job quick filters into a single “Pending” quick filter.
  • Fixed a “selectedSlaveInfoSettings” error when trying to access Remote Commands in the Task, Job Report, or Slave Report panels.
  • Fixed a bug where the Slave Availability filter wasn’t working if a Limit Group didn’t exist.
  • The assets panel in the Job Properties dialog now uses a file saver dialog to select assets so you can specify ones that don’t exist yet.
  • The statistics window now supports multiselecting rows in the various lists for better copy & paste support.
  • Fixed some bugs in the New/Edit/Clone Limit dialog. Using the arrow buttons to move slave names now works properly.
  • Drag and drop job dependencies now respect user group permissions.
  • You are now prompted to automatically pend jobs when their dependencies are modified.
  • Non-rendering tasks can no longer show up as “Waiting To Start” in the task list.
  • Tile and Maintenance jobs can now have their frame(s) changed.
  • The Enable/Disable Slave menu item is no longer a toggle menu item.
  • Job Dependency View - added zoom functions to context menu with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Job Dependency View - the panel now saves some layout data between Monitor sessions.
  • Job Dependency View - no longer redraws when node details are updated.
  • Job Dependency View - zooming on mouse pointer location now works.
  • Job Dependency View - added keyboard shortcuts for most buttons.
  • Job Dependency View - double-clicking on an asset or script node now explores the path.
  • Job Dependency View - added mini-map with toggle button.

Slave Improvements

  • Pre/Post job and task scripts should no longer cause stability problems.
  • When checking for its next task, the Slave now takes Limits into account. This can help prevent the Slave from unloading its current job repeatedly when there are higher priority jobs with maxed out Limits.
  • Fixed a regression in the Slave log window that prevented the log text from showing.
  • A slave can now remain running (and even start up) when it’s been disabled. It just won’t check for any tasks now.
  • A properly licensed slave should no longer show up in the Monitor as being unlicensed when it first starts up.
  • Stalled slave detection now ignores time differences greater than a century. This avoids false positives if there is an issue getting the slave’s last update time.

Pulse Improvements

  • Fixed a regression in the Pulse log window that prevented the log text from showing.
  • Fixed a Thermal Shutdown bug that caused the Machine Startup feature to not be disabled properly.

Command Improvements

  • Fixed a NullReferenceException when printing out usage instructions.
  • The -ExecuteScript command no longer suppresses Python output.

Script API Improvements

  • Added a RepositoryUtils.GetJobReportLogFileName( report ) function to get the log file name for a job report.
  • Added a RepositoryUtils.GetSlaveReportLogFileName( report ) function to get the log file name for a slave report.
  • Added SetJobOutputDirectories and SetJobOutputFileNames functions to the job object to set a job’s output directories or output file names.

Maya Improvements

  • Maya 2014 rendering should now work properly on OSX.
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