AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6.1.52622 (Beta 4) Now Available


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.1:



What’s New In Deadline 6.1.52622 (Beta 4)

This release mainly fixes a bunch of bugs.

General Improvements

  • House cleaning is now done in a subprocess. If a python operation causes a crash, it will no longer take down the main application (ie: Pulse or Slave).
  • Added cleanup code to all the application and event plugins to prevent memory leaks.
  • Fixed a bug that prevent the multi-slave feature from working properly.
  • The Python Search Paths in the Repository Options now have Path Mappings applied to them.
  • Limit group modifications are now logged in the Repository history.
  • Added a Repository Option to have timestamps in the job logs.

Monitor Improvements

  • Deleting job reports now resets the task error counts properly.
  • There is now an entry in the user group permissions for the Farm Reports menu item in the Tools menu.
  • Fixed some bugs in the Farm Reports dialog when there are no stats to load.
  • The Cloud panel now uses the VMX plugins that ship with the Repository installer.
  • Fixed an editQuickFilterColumn error in ExtendedTreeView after loading a new layout file.
  • Fixed some typos in the Scan For Missing Output dialog.
  • If you clear the selection in the job list, or select more than one job, the Job Details panel is now cleared.
  • Added an option in the Pools and Groups management dialogs to copy the pools/groups from one slave and paste them to one or more slaves.
  • In the job list’s quick filters, the User list has been moved to the bottom, since it is typically the longest list.
  • The Console panel now has a right-click option to clear it.
  • The New/Edit/Clone Limits dialog now remembers it’s last size and position.
  • Fixed a bug the Slave Scheduling checkboxes in the Power Management dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Power Management settings to not be saved properly.
  • The Slave Restart interval maximum in the Power Management settings is now much larger.
  • Removed some debugging output from the task list.

Slave Improvements

  • The slave now caches the system’s Python environment varilables (PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH) and passes them to the rendering process. This should prevent the slave’s Python environment from affecting the renderer’s Python environment.
  • The slave now creates a subfolder with the job’s ID in its local “jobsData” and “plugin” folders. This ensures that files from one job will never impact another job. These subfolders are cleaned up whenever a new job is loaded.
  • The secondary pool scan now works for jobs with concurrent tasks greater than one.
  • A job with a single concurrent task no longer “looks ahead” at the next job it can potentially dequeue. This should fix the situation where the slave unloads the current job only to reload it again because the higher priority job that was available before is no longer available.
  • Fixed potential NullReferenceExceptions that could occur when getting a badly formatted Auto-Config from Pulse.

Pulse Improvements

  • In Power Management, the same slave can no longer be chosen as the only candidate to wake up for multiple jobs.

Command Improvements

  • Fixed some duplicate entries in the help output.
  • The SetUser command now supports specifying a user group.

Script API Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where the MonitorUtils functions that get the list of selected items could return stale data. This caused the Remote Desktop and VNC scripts in the Task panel to sometimes connect to the wrong slave.

3ds Max Improvements

  • For 3ds Max 2013 and later, the correct path to the 3dsmax.ini file is now used if user profiles are disabled.
  • Removed some debugging output when saving a region bitmap.
  • In SMTD, the browse button for the Draft template is no longer overlapped by the text box.
  • SMTD now sets the “error on missing background image” setting in the correct file for multi region tile rendering.

After Effects Improvements

  • Fixed a typo in the project file browser that prevented the selection of AEPX files.

Blender Improvements

  • The “failed to read blend file” error is now caught.

Draft Improvements

  • Fixed some text cut-off issues in the Monitor submitter.

FFMpeg Improvements

  • Fixed some text cut-off issues in the Monitor submitter.

Fusion Improvements

  • The environment variable for the Fusion preference file is now set for rendering process only instead of the Slave process.

Shotgun Improvements

  • Renamed Version Template to Version Name.
  • Made some minor UI improvements.

Nuke Improvements

  • The library path environment variables are now set for rendering process only instead of the Slave process.

RealFlow Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that messed up the render executable path on Linux.

Tile Assembler Improvements

  • The library path environment variables are now set for rendering process only instead of the Slave process.
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