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Deadline 6.1.52776 (Beta 5) Now Available


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.1:



What’s New In Deadline 6.1.52776 (Beta 5)

This release includes a new RESTful HTTP API for Pulse, and a refactored standalone Python API that uses this HTTP API. It also fixes a bunch of bugs.

General Improvements

  • On OSX, dpython now uses Deadline’s Python libraries instead of the system Python libraries.
  • When any of the Deadline applications start up, they now ensure that the MongoDB database has the proper indices set.
  • The Deadline Client can now override the Repository’s auto-update setting in its deadline.ini file.
  • Users are now stored in User Groups in the database using their IDs instead of their name.
  • Fixed a bug that prevent jobs that were imported from being deleted.
  • Fixed an index error in the deleted job collection in the database.
  • The major Deadline version number is now stored in the dbConnect.xml file in the Repository, and is used to prevent incorrect versions of Deadline from connecting to it.

Installer Improvements

  • On Windows, the password should now be set correctly when installing the Launcher as a service.
  • The Client installer now has a command line option to set the auto-update override.
  • The Repository installer now installs an “api” folder that contains the new standalone Python API.
  • The Repository installer now installs the “balancer” and “cloud” folders properly.
  • The Client installer on OSX now installs the Python Framework with the proper permissions set.

Launcher Improvements

  • On OSX, the Launcher’s popup dialogs no longer appear behind the window that currently has focus.
  • On OSX, the Remove Slave Instances menu item now has a dark icon.
  • Fixed a bug on OSX that prevented more than one slave instance from being started through the Launcher menu.
  • The Launcher now passes the system’s original PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH variables to the other Deadline applications it launches.
  • Fixed a bug that required the Launcher menu to be shown once before the Scripts and Submission menus were populated.

Monitor Improvements

  • Repository options now have finer-grained permissions in the User Group permissions.
  • Fixed a bug in the job properties dialog where the plugin specific panel didn’t load float values properly.
  • The job statistics report no longer shows negative values for data file sizes.
  • The job statistics report now shows summaries for completed jobs again.
  • Fixed an error in the plugin and event configuration dialogs that occurred if you opened the dialog and pressed OK without clicking on a plugin or event first.
  • Using remote control to create a new slave instance no longer creates two instances on the remote machine.
  • Using remote control to delete a slave instance now works properly.

Slave Improvements

  • CPU and RAM values are now collected at a much quicker interval at the start of a render, and then taper off a bit. This ensures we collect some data for very fast renders.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Bad Slave detection from working properly.
  • When a slave creates a Stalled Slave Report for itself (because it didn’t shutdown cleanly the previous session), it’s now more clear in the report that the slave is doing a self-cleanup operation.

Pulse Improvements

  • Pulse now has a RESTful HTTP API.
  • Auto configuration now supports the auto-update override for clients.

Script API Improvements

  • New standalone Python API that uses Pulse’s RESTful HTTP API. It can be dropped into the Python site-packages folder, and doesn’t require the Deadline Client to be installed on the system to use it.
  • Global plugin variables (set using DeadlinePlugin.SetProcessEnvironmentVariable) no longer clobber process specific environment variables (set using ManagedProcess.SetEnvironmentVariable).
  • Added scripting utility functions that hook into cloud plugins.

3ds Max Improvements

  • In SMTD, Draft’s “use shotgun” controls are now updated properly.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • The “Error Loading Project” error message is now caught by Deadline.

CommandLine Plugin Improvements

  • Fixed an indentation issue in the file.

Draft Improvements

  • Regression: Fixed a PYTHONPATH issue that was introduced in beta 4.

Hiero Improvements

  • Jobs submitted from Hiero now have the proper start frame, instead of always starting at 0.

Maya Improvements

  • The MayaBatch plugin now writes the correct “render” command for Arnold jobs.
  • Fixed a “PATH” environment variable issue on Windows that prevented the integrated submitter from working properly on some Windows systems.
  • When the integrated submitter calls deadlinecommand, it now ignores anything written to stderr.

Python Plugin Improvements

  • Regression: Fixed a PYTHONPATH issue that was introduced in beta 4.

Shotgun Improvements

  • Updated the Shotgun API that ships with Deadline to version 3.0.14.

VRay DBR Improvements

  • The default job name now includes the application name and version that the job is being submitted from.
  • The DBR UI now detects if the job is no longer active and notifies the user.
  • The DBR UI now marks the spawner job as complete instead of deleting it so that stats can be properly logged.
  • The DBR UI in Maya now uses deadlinecommand, since the old Deadline Python API has been replaced with one that requries Pulse.
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