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Deadline 6.1.53328 (Beta 8) Now Available


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.1:



What’s New In Deadline 6.1.53328 (Beta 8)

This release mostly fixes a bunch of bugs.

A key fix regarding dependency scripts has been made that will affect current dependency script operation. In beta 7, we were passing the internal task IDs to the main function in frame dependency scripts instead of the normal task IDs (0, 1, 2, …). We are now passing the correct IDs in beta 8. If your current scripts are expecting the internal ID, they will have to be updated accordingly.

Note that there are some display issues with the Job Dependency View that still need to be worked out.

General Improvements

  • The Task IDs that are passed to frame dependency scripts are now correct (0, 1, 2, …). Previously, the task’s internal ID was being passed.
  • Python scripts with comments at the end of the file no longer cause syntax errors when run by Deadline.
  • During housecleaning, job auxiliary files, old job reports, or orphaned machine limits are no longer purged for unsubmitted jobs.
  • During housecleaning, orphaned tasks and limits are now cleaned up after they have been orphaned for at least a minute. Previously, tasks were cleaned up after 10 minutes.
  • The .lock files for additional Slave instances are now deleted when the Slave instance is removed.
  • Added mnemonics to the main menus in all the Deadline applications.
  • Job reports are now saved with archived jobs.
  • In Amazon cloud plugin, removed hard-coded key pair and subnet ID, and added configuration settings for both.
  • Updated Openstack cloud plugin to use boto for almost everything.
  • A cleaner error message is now thrown if the dbConnect.xml file is corrupt, and it no longer causes the Deadline applications to crash.

Installer Improvements

  • Script UI example script now shipped with the Repository installer. It will show up in the Scripts menu in the Monitor.
  • Added job right-click script to the Repository Installer to clean up ALT files rendered by 3ds Max jobs.
  • Added a popup message sending script to the repository installer.

Launcher Improvements

  • Added some output to the Launcher that gets printed whenever it updates the repository options.

Monitor Improvements

  • Fixed a bug with Slave auto updating that caused Slaves to get updated when they haven’t changed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused pinned or saved layouts from restoring properly when some panels are tabbed.
  • Fixed a bug were using CTRL to deselect jobs would result in the wrong task list being shown when there is only one job left selected.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented script shortcuts from working for most panels.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some integer based columns from being filtered properly (ie: CPU usage in the Slave list).
  • Fixed a bug on Windows were an image viewer from a previous Monitor session is still running, and a new Monitor can’t be started.
  • Fixed some bugs in the task and job list when viewing output for chunked tasks.
  • In the job properties dialog, the Synchronize All Auxiliary Files property is now named properly.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when pressing Cancel while browsing for required assets in the job properties dialog.
  • Fixed an error when using the Start All Slave Instances option in the Slave’s Remote Control menu.
  • In the Monitor Layouts panel in the Repository Options, the Move Up and Move Down buttons now work.
  • Lowercase slave names, user names, etc are now used in the selection lists for Whitelist/Blacklists, User Group Permissions, Power Management groups, etc. This provides consistency, and ensures that an item won’t appear in both the selected and unselected lists when the letter casing is different.
  • The job properties dialog now selects the job’s user name properly if it has uppercase letters.
  • Added the estimated time remaining back to the task panel.
  • The estimated time remaining in the job details and task panels is now more accurate.
  • Fixed an error in the Job Dependency View when the job has script dependencies.
  • Script shortcut keys now require at lest one modifier key (CTRL, SHIFT, or ALT).
  • Made some performance improvements to the Job Candidate filter in the Slave list.
  • The keyboard shortcuts now work again for pinned layouts that are set up in the Repository Options.
  • The timeout maximum in the job properties dialog is now 1,000,000.
  • Added a confirmation window when changing the job’s frame range.
  • Added some more user friendly options to the date/time column filters.
  • You can now start up new Slave instances on multiple machines at the same time from the Slave list.
  • In job dependency view, minimap added tooltip, now “toggles” while a minimap is on.
  • In job dependency view, made naming of Minimap more consistent.
  • In job dependency view, right click lock view now highlights as if toggled.
  • In job dependency view, zoom all/zoom extents buttons added.
  • In job dependency view, added collapseSelected and expandSelected to RC menu.
  • In job dependency view, modified font of node data so it uses Arial everywhere (was defaulting to an MS font).
  • In job dependency view, right-click scripts menu should not be disabled anymore.
  • In job dependency view, fixed zoom all and zoom extents.
  • In job dependency view, added ability to switch between fully enclosed and intersects using button/ RC menu (defaults to intersects).
  • In job dependency view, added ability to add scripts and assets to the dependency view using RC menu.
  • In job dependency view, the tasks, details, and job report panes now update when the current selected job changes (may need to look into this more kinda slows lags sometimes).

Slave Improvements

  • Added a command line option to tell the running Slave to continue, stop, restart, shutdown the machine, or restart the machine after it finishes its current task.
  • Cleaned up the error message when the Slave can’t connect to Pulse.

Command Improvements

  • The SetJobSetting command now prints out the appropriate message when no jobs with the given ids could be found.
  • During submission, enum-based values in the job info file (like OnJobComplete) are just ignored if their value is empty (ie: “OnJobComplete=”).

3ds Cmd Improvements

  • Fixed a bug in the integrated submitter where it would appear off screen and never show up.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Added a submission option to override the language of 3ds Max that will be used for rendering.
  • Added FumeFX stdout handling and additional popup handlers.
  • Added an option to SMTD to skip rendering (useful for FumeFX sims).
  • The script now prints out version information.
  • Added ability to change VRay’s Brute Force GI settings after submission.
  • In SMTD, re-render user defined tiles now works with Draft.
  • In SMTD, fixed some issues with tile renders when saving multiples of the same type of render element.
  • The 3dsmax plugin should now get the max log properly when Max exits unexpectedly.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • The integrated submitter has a more helpful error message when it can’t find the Repository.

Hiero Improvement

  • Fixed a strToBool error when submitting to Deadline.

Maya Improvements

  • Added new stdout handler to catch vray error “Error writing render region to raw image file”.
  • When submitting a VRay export job, the vrscene path for the defaultRenderLayer is now set properly in the dependent Kick job.
  • Arnold export jobs now respect the Frames Per Task setting, and dependent Kick jobs are now frame dependent on the export job.
  • The integraged submitter now sets the file filter properly when browsing for mi and vrscene files for Mental Ray and Arnold export jobs.

Nuke Improvements

  • In the integrated submitter, fixed issues with retrieving boolean values that are stored in the Nuke script.
  • In the integrated submitter, simplified the threaded submission a bit.
  • In the integrated submitter, increased height slightly for OSX.

Softimage Improvements

  • Added a submission option to skip the Softimage batch license check when rendering. This allows you to use 3rd party renderers like VRay or Arnold without using a Softimage batch license.

VRay DBR Improvements

  • Settings in the VRay Spawner submitter in the Monitor are now sticky.
  • Limit Groups are now sticky in the 3ds Max VRay DBR submitter.
  • Fixed a bug in the 3ds Max VRay DBR submitter where it would appear off screen and never show up.

VRay Standaline Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that caused an output path of “” (quotes included) to be passed to VRay, which caused an error after rendering.
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