AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6.1.53751 (Beta 11) Now Available


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.1:



What’s New In Deadline 6.1.53751 (Beta 11)

This release mainly consists of bug fixes.

General Improvements

  • Added more weighted scheduling options to handle tiebreakers (FIFO or Balanced).
  • House cleaning can now be run in a separate process again.
  • Default is to run houscleaning and pending job scan in separate processes now.

Installer Improvements

  • The Windows Repository installer can now reinstall mongo if there is already an existing mongo service.

Launcher Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that caused the update countdown dialog to get stuck at 20 seconds.

Monitor Improvements

  • Added buttons to pop out or close stats reports in Farm Reports dialog.
  • Fixed a bug in the Farm Reports dialog in the Data Column editing that caused the wrong column to be selected for the grouping.
  • Fixed a bug in Stats Reports where TimeSpan values weren’t sorting/graphing properly.
  • Fixed a bug in Custom Stats Reports where it wasn’t maintaining custom columns/grouping.
  • Fixed a bug where slave status sorting wasn’t taking rendering time into account.
  • Task update events are no longer fired if there are multiple jobs selected.
  • The script dependency and required asset pages now get the file name portion for the list view correctly on all the operating systems.
  • Updated the title of the Job Dependency view “unsaved changes” question box.
  • Removed some debugging output.
  • Fixed a bug when moving multiple slaves between lists in the Limit dialog.
  • The selection is now maintained when moving items between lists in the limit dialog.
  • Fixed some sorting and display issues in some of the list importers.
  • Fixed a frame column sort bug in the task list.
  • Fixed a memory leak in the cloud region object.
  • Fixed a bug in the task importer that caused pre and post tasks from disappearing in the UI.
  • Job Dependency Graph - added ability to double click Details area and not have it open the job properties panel
  • Job Dependency Graph - added text elide
  • Job Dependency Graph - added icons to nodes
  • Job Dependency Graph - titles are now left justified
  • Job Dependency Graph - increased socket sizes to help with hit testing (other changes were made in library to improve hit testing)
  • Job Dependency Graph - improved detection for selecting using fully contains item
  • Job Dependency Graph - no longer throws errors when clicking on nodes of deleted jobs
  • Job Dependency Graph - improved description message to better account for which types of nodes are shown
  • Job Dependency Graph - made it so asset and script nodes are the same size
  • Job Dependency Graph - Connections Darken when hovered over

Slave Improvements

  • Slaves no longer try to send email or popup notifications to empty email addresses or machine names.
  • Fixed a bug where the GatherResourceUsageDuringRendering network setting was checked on windows, instead of being checked on linux and osx.

Pulse Improvements

  • Fixed some duplicate key errors.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Fixed a progress bug in 3dsmax plugin that could cause 3dsmax renders to hang.
  • Added exe version info output to 3dsmax plugin.
  • Added a fix from Bobo that allows SMTD to handle the case where the selected camera in the viewport is actually a light.
  • Fixed a bug where the Max.log index was reset when starting a job.
  • Fixed naming conventions of old tile assembler while using draft.

Draft Improvements

  • Fixed a draft event plugin bug when there are multiple outputs for a job.

Fusion Improvements

  • Fixed a fusion error when rendering.

Job Transfer Improvements

  • Fixed some bugs in the JobTransfer plugin.

modo Improvements

  • Fixed a modo submission error.

Nuke Improvements

  • Switched the Nuke executable to upper case on windows (though it really shouldn’t matter).
  • Tweaked some confirmation dialogs in the Nuke submitter to prevent them from being too wide.

Vray Spawner Improvements

  • When submitting from the Monitor, the number of tasks now equals the Maximum server count for the vray spawner submitter.

There is an issue with the 3dsmax plugin in beta 11 that causes a RegionRendering error to occur even if region rendering is disabled. The fix can be found here:

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