AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6.1.53841 (Beta 12) Now Available


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.1:



What’s New In Deadline 6.1.53841 (Beta 12)

This release mainly consists of bug fixes and Pulse stability improvements.

General Improvements

  • Fixed some issues with trimming whitespace off of values in the job info and plugin info files.
  • Fixed a small bug in the message output for invalid slave remote log requests.
  • Fixed a bug where stack traces for Python script errors didn’t show the correct line numbers.
  • House cleaning has been refactored to improve performance and memory usage.
  • House cleaning process is now locked so that only a single application can perform house cleaning at any given time.
  • When releasing tasks for the same pending job with frame dependencies, they are now released as a group, instead of one at a time.
  • Fixed a bug in house cleaning where job auxiliary folders wouldn’t get cleaned up properly.
  • Added timings and counts to the house cleaning log for better debugging.
  • Added configurable maximums for file-based house cleaning operations (archiving jobs, deleting auxiliary folders, deleting old job report files), which can be configured from the Monitor.
  • Task progress is now reset to 0 when the task changes to a state other than completed.

Launcher Improvements

  • When the launcher displays the update warning, it now brings it to the front on OSX.

Monitor Improvements

  • Added tooltips to Power Management dialog.
  • The Slave-based and machine-based remote control menu items are now in separate sub-menus.
  • Rearranged buttons in Job Dependency view
  • Fixed a bug when showing an icon for a deleted job node in the Job Dependency view.
  • The Job Control menu is now disabled in the Job Dependency view context menu if no jobs are selected.
  • Added configurable maximums for house cleaning to the House Cleaning page in the Repository Options.
  • The Monitor now only caches the task collection for the current selected job. Before, it could end up caching every task collection, which would increase memory usage.
  • When changing many job states at once from the job list (requeuing, suspending, resuming, deleting, etc), each event plugin is only loaded once, instead of being loaded for each job.
  • The pool quick filter in the job list control is now populated properly again.
  • Fixed how some text was set in the lists that prevented integer-based list filters from working.

Slave Improvements

  • The confirmation message that is displayed when closing Slave now has a timer so that Slave doesn’t get stuck when the system tells Slave to shut down.
  • Fixed a NullReferenceException that could occur when the slave checks if its task has been requeued.

Pulse Improvements

  • The confirmation message that is displayed when closing Pulse now has a timer so that Pulse doesn’t get stuck when the system tells Pulse to shut down.
  • The web service no longer caches data from the database to reduce memory usage.

Command Improvements

  • Fixed a typo in the help text for the SetGroupsForSlave command.
  • Added missing Release/Debug character at the end of the Deadline version in the About command.

Scripting Improvements

  • Added a submit job function to the standalone Python API that accepts dictionaries for the job info and plugin info instead of files.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Fixed a “RegionRendering” bug in
  • Added improved backburner PATH information to 3dsmax plugin.
  • Added some additional popup handlers.
  • Removed backburner PATH sanity check that could fail renders unnecessarily.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • Added some additional progress handling.

Maya Improvements

  • When submitting a dependent VRay standalone job after doing a VRay export job, the .vrscene extension is added to the vrscene file path if it isn’t already specified.
  • Added stdout handlers for fatal vray error messages.

Maxwell Improvements

  • When rendering an animation, the MXI file is now padded with the appropriate frame number so that they don’t overwrite each other.
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