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Deadline 6.1.54062 (Beta 13) Now Available


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What’s New In Deadline 6.1.54062 (Beta 13)

This release mainly consists of bug fixes. It also includes many SMTD improvements, including a new option to do region rendering across an animation. Finally, it adds support for Maxwell 3, Nuke 8, Vue 2014, and xNormal.

General Improvements

  • Added more profiling sections to the Deadline applications, which can be viewed by selecting Help -> Debugging Tools -> Profiling Statistics.
  • When viewing profiling statistics from the Help menu, there is now an option to write the statistics to the application log.
  • Only a single Find window can now be shown at a time for a given panel or log box control in the Deadline applications.
  • Changed the Select All icon.
  • Added a Find icon to the log box control used in the Deadline applications.
  • When finding text in the log box control in the Deadline applications, it will now ensure the selected line is visible.
  • Fixed a bug where the archived job file name would just consist of the user’s first name if they have a period in their user name.
  • Bumped up default timeouts for housecleaning processes to 30 minutes instead of 5 minutes.
  • Housecleaning now just gets specific fields for job or slave objects when it makes sense. This helps reduce the time and bandwidth needed to run some house cleaning operations.
  • When scanning for orphaned tasks, the list of job ids is split up into lists of 100 and the slave information is updated for each list to ensure we don’t end up working with old data.
  • The Find window is now shown in front of the slave or pulse log window on OSX. If it goes behind again, you can use the shortcut or context menu to show it again.
  • Stalled slave detection in Housecleaning is now covered by the housecleaning lock.
  • Added some code to Slave and Pulse to prevent them from potentially showing C++ error dialogs on crashes.
  • Fixed a null reference exception when cleaning up orphaned limit stubs and the stub holder no longer exists.

Installer Improvements

  • Removed openstack cloud plugin from repository installer due to some issues.

Monitor Improvements

  • The Monitor now maintains one open connection to mongo at all times instead of two.
  • Fixed a NullReferenceException that could occur when updating the task cache.
  • The default automatic update intervals are now 10 for jobs, tasks, and slaves, and 20 for pulse and limits.
  • Added path auto-completion to some line edit controls where you would normally enter paths.
  • Added multi-select support in Manage Users, Manage User Groups, and Power Management Groups dialogs.
  • Fixed a bug where repeatedly changing job states from the Monitor could mess up the job’s internal task state counts.
  • Fixed some bugs that affected the list counts in the Monitor.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause jobs to disappear in the Monitor after importing or undeleting them, and they would only show up again after restarting the Monitor.
  • Monitor start up times are now logged to the Monitor log.
  • Added ability to re-dock reports in the Farm Reports dialog.
  • Added ability to save graphs as images in the Farm Reports Dialog.
  • Fixed a CSV/TSV exporting bug in the Farm Reports dialog.
  • Fixed a bug where submenus with all disabled menu items would get hidden. Only submenus with all hidden menu items should be hidden.
  • Renamed Dynamic Sorting menu item in the list drop down menu to Auto-Sorting and Filtering.
  • Added the Cloud Region as a column in the Slave List.
  • The estimated time remaining is now shown in the task list again.
  • When changing more than 10 job states at a time in the Monitor, the jobs are no longer individually updated in the UI. Instead, they just wait for the next auto update.
  • Caught a potential error when changing the job’s frame range that could cause it to fail.
  • Fixed the orders of the remote control menu items in the job and slave report lists to match the order in the slave list.
  • Made some improvements to the Monitor startup speed.
  • Fixed some group selection/deselection bugs in the power management dialog.
  • The job’s history is now imported properly when importing a job.
  • Fixed a bug where adding/removing pre/post Job scripts would mess up the job’s internal task state counts.
  • Updated minimap & selection style buttons in Job Dependency View to be toggled properly when reopening the monitor.
  • Instead of showing the data file name and data file size for a job in the Monitor, we now show the number of auxiliary files and the combined size of all of them.
  • Fixed a bug where importing an archived Job would mess up the job’s internal task state counts.
  • The Monitor settings in the Repository Options now has a flag to enable manual refreshing in the Monitor, which can be used if the data intervals are set to high values.
  • The Monitor settings in the Repository Options now has an option to disable auto sorting and filtering in the Monitor by default.
  • Added the Debugging Tools menu back to the Monitor.
  • Added a separator between Job Controls and Add Job menu items in job dependency view context menu.
  • Renamed Job Controls menu in dependency view context menu to Job Menu.
  • Removed some debugging output when using the Notify Me When Complete job context menu item.
  • Added Monitor Options to disable color changing in the job and task lists when errors are accumulated.
  • Script menu shorts that override existing shortcuts now work when nested in submenus.
  • Fixed the visibility of some Monitor menu items when disconnected from a repository.

Slave Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where jobs with frame dependencies might not get picked up by a slave.
  • A slave now checks if Pulse is running BEFORE it checks if it has to do housecleaning on start up.
  • The stalled slave scan no longer checks every active job for orphaned tasks if the previous slave state has no job information associated with it.
  • Added “Connected To Pulse” and “Bad Job” information to the Slave Information tab in the slave UI.

Scripting Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where Python print statements wouldn’t show up after calling ClientUtils.ExecuteCommand.
  • DirectoryUtils.SynchronizeDirectories now returns if a sync was required or not.
  • Fixed a font size issue in the separator control that was really noticeable on OSX.

3ds Max Improvements

  • The max.log contents now get appended to the error message when Max quits unexpectedly.
  • When accessing the Max.log file, we now make multiple attempts in case it’s locked by Max.
  • Re-added some backburner path sanity checking that won’t fail the render.
  • Fixed a typo in the file, and removed some ‘tab’ characters.
  • The region coordinates in 3dsmax.options are now strings to support the region formatting for multi-region animation jobs.
  • SMTD: Added a new VersionString property to display in UIs. So changing that will change all places where the version is shown.
  • SMTD: Added ExtraInfoKeys array to add unlimited extra info via MAXScript (not exposed to UI)
  • SMTD: Added StateSetRenameOutput option to prepend the state set name to the output file name.
  • SMTD: Added StateSets Submit and Rename to the list of properties supported for sticky/defaults settings.
  • SMTD: Implemented and fixed all Region and Tile render mode combinations with Assemblers etc.
  • SMTD: Fixed Comment string for assembler jobs
  • SMTD: Added Menu option to Explore Temp. Submission folders
  • SMTD: Added About SMTD window
  • SMTD: Added UI controls to quickly load a preset from a list with one click.
  • SMTD: Disabled Tooltips of the DotNet Tabs as they affected focus of VRAY VFB etc.
  • SMTD: Renamed “Nth Frame” to “Out Of Order Step” to reduce confusion
  • SMTD: Added a Tile/Region Options rollout with common settings for both Regions and Tiles
  • SMTD: Added Region Animation controls for setting, navigating and deleting Keyframes
  • SMTD: Changed the control files of the Draft Assembler to be output to the submission temp folder and then copied to the output folders (should be faster on slow or remote networks)
  • SMTD: Added option to delete Region Preset Slots
  • SMTD: Added Menu > Tools > Explore SMTD Logs folder option
  • SMTD: Added a more precise vertex-based Fit algorithm for region rendering.
  • SMTD: Create From… Selected also uses the slow and precise method.
  • SMTD: Added filtering of Target objects to exclude from fitting.
  • SMTD: Combined Select/Invert in one button with LEFT/Right click
  • SMTD: Added 2D Tracking button with Left/Right click to support precise or loose tracking
  • SMTD: Changed the FIT button to use Left/Right click to perform precise vs. loose tracking
  • Removing empty lines from submission messages in the Log report
  • Fixing duplicate Render Element names by adding a number to the name, and including the Element index when creating Draft Assembly config files. Note that for the RE names to be fixed, the option to rename the output paths automatically must be checked. The config files will always be unique though.
  • Added message prints from all intermediate submissions when sending regions/tiles.

Houdini Improvements

  • We no longer loop over individual frames for a multi-frame task when rendering, which can cause problems with simulation jobs. Instead, we just call the rop once with the full frame range.
  • Before rendering, we now enable “vm_alfprogress” and set “vm_verbose” to 3 for ifd rops, and enable “alfprogress” and “reportnetwork” for geometry rops.
  • The Houdini plugin now parses the Alfred style progress written to stdout from the progress change above.

Maya Improvements

  • Updated how Deadline specifies verbosity for Arnold for Maya because it changed recently.

Maxwell Improvements

  • Added support for Maxwell 3.
  • Added additional channels to cleanup after a merge job.
  • Fixed an error in merge jobs.

Nuke Improvements

  • Added support for Nuke 8.

Vue Improvements

  • Added support for Vue 2014.

xNormal Improvements

  • Added xNormal support back to Deadline 6.
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