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Deadline 6.1.54343 (Release Candidate 1) Now Available



Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.1:



What’s New In Deadline 6.1.54343 (Release Candidate 1)

This is the first release candidate for Deadline 6.1, and includes some new features and bug fixes. At this time, we will be focusing on fixing bugs and updating the Deadline documentation as necessary, so please report any bugs or documentation issues you encounter as soon as possible. Because we are now in release candidate mode, we won’t be implementing any new feautes, but we will still continue to accept feature requests for future releases.

This release includes a new option for the Launcher to restart the Slave on the machine if it stalls, which is enabled by default. The Launcher simply checks the Slave’s state in the database, and if it’s stalled, it starts it up again. It does not affect the slave if it is running or offline, and it does not affect the slave if the database can’t be reached from the machine. The option can be disabled by the client installer while in unattended mode, by auto-configuration, or from the Launcher’s right-click menu.

This release also includes Draft 1.1 RC1, which improves the existing EXR support to bring it in line with the old Tile Assembler application. Note that this new version of Draft requries an updated 1.1 Draft license. Please email to request an updated Draft license.

General Improvements

  • Added a submission script to the Monitor submit arbitrary command line jobs to Deadline. Previously, these could only be submitted using deadlinecommand.
  • When submitting a job with the IncludeEnvironment job info property set to True, the system’s PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH variables are included (if they are defined) instead of Deadline’s values for those variables.
  • Added auto-configuration option to control if the Launcher should restart the Slave on the machine if it becomes stalled.

Installer Improvements

  • Added unattended installation option to control if the Launcher should restart the Slave on the machine if it becomes stalled. It is enabled by default.

Launcher Improvements

  • Added an option to have the Launcher restart the Slave on the machine if it becomes stalled. It’s currently on by default.
  • Added Launcher menu item to enable and disable the option to retart the slave if it stalls.

Monitor Improvements

  • History entries now indicate if the Monitor was in super user mode when they were logged.
  • A history entry is now logged when someone enters super user mode.
  • Added option to Task right-click menu to explore the output.
  • The tooltips in the repository options and power management options now show the default value.
  • Addressed some memory leaking, but there still appears to be an additional leak.
  • Fixed a bug when setting important processes in the Power Management dialog.
  • Fixed an issue with Slave loading that can prevent loading slave states for slaves past the batch size of 200.
  • Fixed a “toggleLineEdit” error in the Auto Configuration settings in the Repository Options.
  • The nodes in the job dependency view are now slightly transparent.
  • Connections in the job dependency view are now darker, and lighten when hovered over.
  • Fixed a bug in the slave list’s Ping column so that it updates properly when the slaves aren’t updating their state.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking ‘ok’ on the Pool window could re-save pool lists even if no changes were made.
  • Increased the default intervals for slave, limit, and pulse updates.
  • Deleted jobs now draw properly in the job dependency view.
  • Fixed a job selection bug that occurred when switching back and forth between the Job panel and the Job Dependency View panel to select jobs.

Slave Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the slave to crash on OSX immediately after starting the render process with an “Illegal Instruction: 4” error.
  • Improved the license error message printed out by the slave when the license expires while the slave is running.
  • Increased the default intervals for how often a slave checks for a job when it’s idle.

Command Improvements

  • When submitting arbitrary command line jobs to Deadline using the -SubmitCommandLineJob option, a temporary file is no longer created. The submission is all done in memory now.

Scripting Improvements

  • Added API functions to log job, slave, or history entries.
  • Fixed a small memory leak in Python.NET when executing scripts.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Tile rendering is now supported when rendering to VRay’s raw image format (EXR only) and when splitting channels into separate images.
  • In SMTD, combined all Region render options into one single drop down list.
  • In SMTD, brought back the 3ds Max Region Rendering support as one of the options.
  • In SMTD, removed the individual checkboxes controlling single frame, multi-region, tiles and 3ds Max region options.
  • In SMTD, exposed a checkbox for the Copy Draft Config files to output option
  • In SMTD, combined the Load/Save/Merge into a single button with right-click menu.
  • In SMTD, added 10% padding to Tight Fit options for multi-region rendering.
  • In SMTD, fixed Add New Region to always fit to selected if any (before it copied the last selected region instead).
  • Modified Multi-Region rollout to create and remove the gizmo depending on its rolled up state.
  • Fixed some additional bugs in SMTD.
  • Added Max version descriptions to the 3dsmax plugin.

Draft Improvements

  • Upgraded Draft to 1.1, which includes improved EXR support to bring it line with the old Tile Assembler’s feature set.
  • Note that Draft 1.1 requires an updated license.

Houdini Improvements

  • Added option to Houdini plugin configuration to specify which slaves should use an Escape license.

Nuke Improvements

  • Added submission option to use the GPU for rendering (Nuke 7 and later).
  • Added submission option to enforce the write node rendering order.
  • Added submission option to specify view(s) to render.
  • Added submission option to set minimum stack size when rendering.

Realflow Improvements

  • Version and Build settings in the Monitor submitter are now sticky.
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