AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline (Beta 6)


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.2:



What’s New In Deadline (Beta 6)

This release fixes a few bugs and adds a few minor features. It also adds support for Maya’s Hardware 2 renderer.

General Improvements

  • Jobs that repeat on a schedule are now put back in the pending state when they complete so that they can be released again at their scheduled time.

Monitor Improvements

  • When opening the Slave Settings dialog, or enabling/disabling slaves, the slave settings are now re-read from the database instead of being pulled from the cache.
  • Fixed some bugs in the Cloud Providers dialog.
  • Job quick filters are no longer wiped when resetting the layout or restoring a pinned layout.
  • Fixed an OverflowException exception in the slave list data importer.

Command Improvements

  • GetSlavesRenderingJob command now returns machine names instead of slave names (which was the intended behavior).
  • Added command line functions to update limit groups in a more fine grained manner.

Scripting Improvements

  • Fixed some issues with the RepositoryUtils script API functions that add history entries.
  • Added functions to Job class to get job info keys and values.
  • Added ClientUtils.GetDeadlineVersion() and ClientUtils.GetDeadlineMajorVersion() functions.
  • Added missing machine limit properties to Job class.
  • Added RepositoryUtils functions to update limit groups in a more fine grained manner.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Removed default 32 bit executable paths for 3ds Max 2014 and later (since it’s only 64 bit now).

Draft Improvements

  • Fixed the Draft submitter to perform PathMapping on paths it gets from shotgun (ie: Draft template and output location).

Maya Improvements

  • Added support for -skipExistingFrames option for the renderers that support it.
  • Added support for the Maya Hardware 2 renderer.
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