AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline (Beta 7)


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.2:



Note that the documentation for the new modo Distributed Rendering submitter hasn’t been added yet. We hope to have it ready for beta 8.

We just discovered that the necessary submission script files for the new modo Distributed Rendering feature weren’t included in the repository installer properly. We’ve attached them here. (11.9 KB)

What’s New In Deadline (Beta 7)

This release adds the ability to offload VRay or Mental Ray DBR jobs for 3ds Max to Deadline. Basically, the slave that picks up task 0 will act as the “master”, and will coordinate a DBR render with the slaves that pick up the other tasks. More information on how this feature works can be found in the 3ds Command and 3ds Max plugin documentation.

This release also adds support for modo’s Distributed Rendering feature, and works the same as Deadline’s existing VRay DBR support. To install the integrated submission script, first launch modo and then select System -> Open User Scripts Folder. Second, copy the DeadlineModoDBR folder from \your\repository\submission\ModoDBR\Client to this scripts folder. Finally, restart modo, and you should find the submission option in your Render menu. Note that this feature is only supported for modo 7xx and later.

Finally, a bunch of bug fixes and minor improvements have been made.

General Improvements

  • Scheduled jobs now have their scheduling settings updated properly after they are resumed. This is particularly important for repeating scheduled jobs.
  • All Vray DBR submitters now use the new GetMachinesRenderingJob command, instead of GetSlavesRenderingJob.
  • Fixed typos in Launcher and Pulse applications where they referred to as the “Slave”.
  • Modified some plugins so that they no longer use the internal PluginInfoDictionary property.
  • Elapsed (wall clock) rendering time is now properly saved in the job statistic entries.
  • The clean machine name (no suffix) is now used when manually marking tasks as complete instead of the host name.

Pulse Improvements

  • Fixed a typo in the log for the Slave Scheduling feature when shutting down a slave (it used to say the slave was being started).

Installer Improvements

  • Added VC++ 11 redist installers to client installer, which are needed to render with 3ds Max 2015.

Monitor Improvements

  • Fixed a tooltip mix up in the slave wait times in the repository options.
  • Throttling tooltips in Repository Options now mention that the plugin files are also included.
  • Updated the monitor settings tooltips in the Repository Options so that the defaults listed are correct.
  • Monitor scripts that support batch submission of scene files now append the scene file name to the job name if more than one file is being submitted.
  • Fixed some threading issues that caused unexpected results when updating the job quick filter lists.
  • Fixed a regression that broke the “Clone” functionality for the panels in the Monitor.
  • The Total Clock and Total Task Render Time totals under the job stat list in the Farm Reports generator are now updated properly.
  • Added a Slave setting in the Repository Options to enable using a machine’s FQDN instead of just the host name.
  • Added a job right-click script to batch-resubmit the selected jobs.

Command Improvements

  • Added GetMachinesRenderingJob command, which gets the actual machine names or IP addresses for the slaves rendering the job, instead of the slave names.
  • Changed the GetSlavesRenderingJob command to just return the slave names.
  • Improved help formatting a bit because some command names were getting cut off.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if no arguments were passed to the SubmitJobAndNotify or Notify commands.
  • Fixed a duplicate GetJob help listing.
  • If specifying additional notification targets during submission, duplicates will now be removed.
  • Added ResubmitJob command to resubmit an existing job with a new frame list and chunk size.
  • The Background command no longer loops indefinitely.

Scripting Improvements

  • Fixed some function documentation typos.
  • Added some missing job properties to the Job class.
  • Improved API docs for AddTextControl control in the ScriptDialog class.
  • Tweaked to demonstrate how the file filter works in a file browser.
  • Added ResubmitJob function to RepositoryUtils to resubmit an existing job with a new frame list and chunk size.
  • Added GetSlavesRenderingJob and GetMachinesRenderingJob functions to RepositoryUtils to get list of slaves or machines rendering a job (respectively).

3ds Max Improvements

  • Added option to submitters to offload VRay or Mental Ray DBR renders to Deadline.
  • In SMTD, added $passname token for auto-setting the job name to SubmitMaxToDeadline_NameFormats.ini.
  • The Build option in Monitor submitter is now disabled if Max 2014 or later is selected.
  • All VRay floating point settings that can be modified after the job has been submitted now have 6 decimal places, since that is how VRay stores them internally.
  • Fixed a bug that affected QuickTime job submission in SMTD.
  • Added popup handler for the “Targa Image Control” pop-up dialog.
  • Bumped SMTD version number to 6.2.
  • Fixed “Online Help” tooltip typo in SMTD.
  • Fixed bug with setting job name when opening SMTD when option to automatically set job name when scene file name changes is enabled.
  • Removed old Application setting in 3dsCmd.options since it’s not used any more.
  • Fixed a typo in the plugin file.

Draft Improvements

  • Updated Draft Tile Assembler to use all channels present in any tile in the final image.

Houdini Improvements

  • Fixed how the integrated submitter pulled the frame range when submitting an IFD export job.
  • Fixed how the integrated submitter sets the IFD file for the dependent Mantra standalone job.
  • Fixed error where the integrated submitter thought IFD’s were disabled until you clicked on the ROP.
  • Fixed faulty error check where the integrated submitter thought frame list was empty when it was not.

Maya Improvements

  • Added FumeFX simulation Progress support (requires a minimum of FumeFX for Maya v3.5.4).
  • Updated code in the integrated submitter that uses vrayTransformFilename to evaluate output path to work with latest vray 3 release.

modo Improvements

  • Added a new integrated submission script that can be used to submit an interactive modo Distributed Rendering job to Deadline (similar to our VRay DBR support).

Shotgun Improvements

  • Made improvements and fixed some bugs in Shotgun’s submission script for Draft.
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