AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6 Beta Build Changelogs

Hey Thinkbox,

First, thanks for all the hard work on getting DL 6 running tight. A tip o’ that hat to you all.

Second, is there a changelog list posted online to discuss each beta’s additions/modifications? We’d like to see what was modified in the beta to determine if it warrants the installation. Would it be possible to include a changelog when you post the new betas?

Thanks for the kind words! :slight_smile:

The change logs between each beta are posted in the announcement for each beta release:

We’ll probably be changing things up a little bit after the 6.1 beta wraps up. This includes having a full change log so you can easily compare the differences between the current release version and the current beta version (rather than just having the differences between each beta release). We’ll probably also be consolidating the Announcement and Builds sections, since the builds aren’t hosted directly on the forums anymore.


  • Ryan

Thanks Ryan!

I’ve just been going into the beta builds subforum and not look at the discussion forum. That’ll teach me :slight_smile:

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