Deadline 6 Beta - generic "all frames" parameter?


New to Deadline 6 Beta, with a newbie question…

My workflow involves passing some custom job/info files to the Deadline command-line tool for automated processing. I can use the “Frames” parameter to set the frame range to be rendered, i.e. in my info file:

There will be cases where I will not know the exact number of total frames for a given scene, however all the frames must be rendered regardless. For this case, is there a generic token value I can use for the Frames parameter that will instruct Deadline to queue all the frames in the source scene? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Awesome product! Thanks lots!

Parmjit V.
Software Developer

Hey Parmjit,

Generally, there isn’t a built in way in Deadline to automatically pull out a scene’s frame sequence unless you’re submitting the job with one of our integrated submission scripts. For example, if you’re submitting a Max scene file from within 3dsmax using our integrated submitter, it can use maxscript to pull the frame list from the scene and include it with the job. If you’re submitting from outside 3dsmax (ie: from the Deadline Monitor), we can’t get the frames because the scene is in a binary format.

Some applications store their scene files in ascii text, so in those cases, you could probably write a parser that pulls those values out and make that part of the submitter.

Hope that helps!

  • Ryan

Hmmm … yep, that makes sense. Cheers!