AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 6 Beta - post-job render stats


I am using the deadline command-line tool to fetch some post-render stats for a job:

GetJobTaskTotalTime - Display total task render time for the job
GetJobTaskAverageTime - Display average task render time for the job
GetJobTaskTotalTimeNorm - Display total task normalized render time for the job
GetJobTaskAverageTimeNorm - Display average task normalized render time for the job

It seems these stats also include render frames that have failed and/or hung up on a given slave machine, and this is causing incorrect values to be returned. For example:

TaskTotalRenderTime=01d 15h 17m 07s
TaskAverageNormalizedRenderTime=00d 00h 13m 42s
TaskTotalNormalizedRenderTime=01d 15h 17m 07s
TaskAverageRenderTime=00d 00h 13m 42s

The “TaskTotalRenderTime” value is greatly inflated because of a single frame render task that hung up on one of our slave machines. Is there any way to filter out any non-completed frame render tasks from these stats?

Thanks lots!

Parmjit V.
Software Developer

The TaskTotalRenderTime value only includes completed and rendering tasks (it doesn’t included times from tasks that have failed, and it doesn’t include times from previous attempts).

Note that this is just the sum of the render times for completed and rendering tasks. Are you perhaps looking for “wall clock” time it took to render the job? If so, you can use the -GetTaskProgress command, and parse out the “ElapsedJobRenderTime” value.

Hope that helps!

  • Ryan

I will give that a shot. Thank you!


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