AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline (Beta 4)


Please read the Deadline 7.0 Licensing and Compatibility thread for important information regarding Deadline 7.0:

Deadline 7.0 beta 3 and later requires an updated license server application. You can find the latest version of the license server here: … all-files/



The documentation has been updated for this build, but is still not complete. Many sections still need to be updated for changes and new features introduced in Deadline 7.0. In addition, the User Manual documentation is currently in HTML format. Simply unzip the documentation to your machine and open index.html from the html folder to view the documentation. We plan creating PDF versions of the docs in the future.

What’s New In Deadline (Beta 4)

This release fixes a bunch of bugs and updates a few features.

Note that this release contains a few rebuilt python libraries, which means MUST reinstall the client software on your render nodes and workstations.

Here are the highlighted changes:

Python Environment Improvements

The Deadline applications no longer set the PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH environment variables for their current session. This means that any applications launched from a Deadline application will no longer inherit these modified variables, which should avoid compatibility issues if those other applications use a different version of Python.

Style Saving and Loading

In previous betas, loading saved styles from the View menu in the Monitor would overwrite any styles that were already saved. Now, the saving and loading of styles has been moved to the Style panel in the Monitor options. This allows you to save and load individual styles without overwriting any styles that already exist.

Idle Detection in Local Slave Controls

The Idle Detection settings in Local Slave Controls now override the global Scheduling Groups settings. Before, both the global Scheduling Groups and Local Slave Controls settings would be checked.

Animation Support for Jigsaw for Maya

In Jigsaw for Maya, individual objects can now be tracked throughout the animation. Previously, animation was only supported by Jigsaw for 3ds Max.

General Improvements

  • Housecleaning can now detect if a task is waiting to start, but the slave hasn’t updated its state to show that it’s rendering that task.
  • Fixed an error message on OSX when running repository repair, HouseCleaning, or pending job scan as a separate process.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the timeout from triggering when running the housecleaning operations as separate processes.
  • Added an option for splitting the output from the different housecleaning operation to separate logs.
  • Fixed how the timestamps look when connecting to a remote slave/pulse/balancer log.
  • Job event triggers now fire properly when changing states of individual tasks.
  • Improved performance when checking pending jobs with frame dependencies.
  • The Deadline applications no longer set the PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH environment variables for their current session.
  • The error message that is displayed when auto-archiving a job fails now shows the job ID instead of the job name.
  • The Idle Detection settings in the Local Slave Controls now override the global Scheduling group settings.
  • Fixed issues with limit group holders getting out of sync with the actual stubs.

Database Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing authentication from working.
  • Unexpected mongodb exceptions now include the stacktrace and exception type.

Installer Improvements

  • Fixed a regex error that was breaking the repository installation of the database on osx.

Job Improvements

  • Added Ability to ignore frame dependencies in script dependencies.
  • A history event is now logged when a job is failed because it reached the error limit.

Client Application Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the highlight color to be blue instead of green if there is no default style that has been saved.
  • The context menus for text boxes, spinners, etc, now hae the correct style.
  • The look of the disabled text in labels now matches Qt’s default look.
  • If the color palette of an application is lost after the machine wakes up, it is now restored.

Launcher Improvements

  • Added a -balancer command line option to the Launcher to start the Balancer.

Monitor Improvements

  • When restarting the Monitor, the location of the splitters for all panels is now restored properly from the previous session.
  • When switching between saved layouts, the Monitor is now hidden and shown to ensure that the location of the splitters is restored properly.
  • In the Monitor Options, the Show House Cleaning Updates option has been split up into 3 separate options (Housecleaning, Pending Job Scan, and Repository Repair).
  • The status bar now handles the case where the housecleaning operations haven’t run yet (if showing the last update for them).
  • Added a Render Status column to task list, which shows the same information that the Task Render Status column in the slave list shows.
  • Fixed some layout and font-size issues in the job dependency drag and drop dialog.
  • Fixed a bug in the Manage Users dialog where the password confirmation fields were not being verified on accept.
  • Fixed some resizing issues with a bunch of dialogs.
  • Tweaked some labels in the idle shutdown and machine startup tabs in the power management dialog.
  • Tweaked status text in the report panels for the horizontal/vertical toggle.
  • Individual styles can now be exported and imported in the Styles panel in the Monitor Options.
  • Removed the options from the View menu to save and load styles, since they aren’t needed any more (they would wipe all existing layouts, which was unexpected).
  • Cleaned up the error message when a job import fails due to the job already existing.
  • Deleting a ruleset in the auto configuration panel of the repository options now resets all controls to their defaults.
  • Added missing PathMappingUtils import to fix error in task list.
  • Tweaked the layouts of the General Monitor scripts.
  • Fixed a bug in Job Dependency view which errored if you deleted a job that was in a batch group.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause output paths in the job/task context menus to show double path separators.
  • Fixed a bug in the Slave Utilization display when the list is filtered.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Region drop down in the User Settings panel from being populated properly.
  • Fixed a bug that was failing to update the filter and layout lists in the tree view menus.
  • Pinned filters and pinned layouts now stay in their correct menu locations.

Slave Improvements

  • Improved speed and reduced database load when a slave is processing limit groups while searching for a job to render.
  • Fixed a null reference exception when the slave would check if it needed to return limit stubs based on progress, and the limit no longer exists.
  • The check that the slave makes to see it needs to return limit stubs based on progress is now done every few minute instead of every second.
  • Fixed a bug on OSX that prevented the slave from dequeuing any tasks (a side effect of upgrading Mono to 64 bit).
  • Added a minimum delay for idle slave’s querying for Jobs.
  • If the dlinit file is not found after a plugin sync, the slave will try three more times and then throws an exception.
  • When dequeuing a job, the slave now returns job limit stubs immediately if it can’t find any tasks for that job.
  • When dequeuing a job, the slave will check if the job has any queued tasks available before trying to get a task for it.

Pulse Improvements

  • Added Access Control Allow Origin header to Web Service responses.
  • The options request type is now supported by the Web Service.

Balancer Improvements

  • F5 is now the shortcut to trigger a “balancing” in the Balancer.
  • Fixed an object reference error when the balancer has no targets.
  • Updated the balancer application icon.

Command Improvements

  • Added DeadlineCommand commands for adding job, slave and repository history entries.
  • Added command line option to DoHouseCleaning and DoRepositoryRepair to choose which mode to run.
  • Added command line commands for performing path mapping.

Scripting Improvements

  • Added support to the Standalone Python API for doing basic authentication with the Web Service.
  • Added missing documentation for SlaveUtils.GetMachineIPAddresses() API function.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Added workaround to prevent 3ds Max 2015 from crashing when it’s rendering as a service.
  • Fixed some layout issues in SMTD.
  • Fixed some layout issues in the VRay DBR submitter.
  • Added better error messages to SMTD if the main script from the repository can’t be loaded.
  • SMTD - Add [PREVIEW] job ability to enable/disable its parent dependency to the [REMAINING] frames job.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • A Team Render submitter is now available that lets you launch Team Render on slaves and connect to them to perform an interactive render.

Composite Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the composite submitter from working.

Maya Improvements

  • Added animation support to Jigsaw.
  • Fixed the default executable paths for OSX.

modo Improvements

  • Fixed a bug in the integrated modo submitter that prevented it from working in modo 801.
  • Duplicate Jigsaw panels can no longer be opened by the modo submitter.

Octane Improvements
Fixed a bug that was preventing the octane submitter from working.

Puppet Improvements

  • Made some visual tweaks to the Puppet submitter.

Rendition Improvements

  • The Shotgun tab is now the Integration tab.

Rhino Improvements

  • Duplicate Jigsaw panels can no longer be opened by the Rhino submitter.

Salt Improvements

  • Made some visual tweaks to the Salt submitter.

Shake Improvements

  • The Shotgun tab is now the Integration tab.
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