AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline (Release Candidate 5)


If you are upgrading from Deadline 7 beta 6 or earlier, you must reinstall the Deadline Client on your machines. If you are upgrading from Deadline 7 beta 7, auto-upgrading will work.

Deadline 7.0 beta 3 and later requires an updated license server application. Please download the latest version of the license server.

Please read the Deadline 7.0 Licensing and Compatibility thread for important information regarding Deadline 7.0.



What’s New In Deadline (Release Candidate 5)

This is the fifth (and likely final) release candidate for Deadline 7, and mainly fixes a few bugs.

Here are the highlighted changes:

Installer Improvements

  • The “slavedatadir” command line option for the client installer is now visible in the usage instructions.

Monitor Improvements

  • Fixed an OverflowException in the Monitor when loading the balancer list on 32bit windows.
  • Fixed a bug in the Scan For Missing Output dialog that would show duplicate paths under a task.
  • Fixed a bug with loading pulse and balancer data from the database.
  • CMD+R shortcuts now work properly on OSX (ie: resume job, resume task).
  • Fixed a bug in the Job Dependency View that could lock up the Monitor when clicking on different jobs.

Slave Improvements

  • During each job scan, the slaves cache if a plugin supports concurrent tasks or not to avoid repeatedly reloading that information from the repository.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in the slave not reporting its state information accurately.

Pulse Improvements

  • Pulse now automatically configures itself at startup to be the primary if there are no current primaries. If there is another primary, a non-blocking popup message is displayed.
  • Fixed a Pulse crash that could occur because of a malformed regex in the Auto Configuration settings.

Balancer Improvements

  • Balancer now automatically configures itself at startup to be the primary if there are no current primaries. If there is another primary, a non-blocking popup message is displayed.
  • Fixed an bug with how the default balancing algorithm is chosen.

Command Improvements

  • Fixed a bug with commands that accept a repository path as an argument. The bug would cause deadline command to crash if the repository path was quoted and ended with a \ character (ie: “\server\repository”).

Scripting Improvements

  • SlaveHostMachineIPAddressOverride in SlaveSettings now represents the correct value.
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