AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline (Beta 3)


Please read the Deadline 7.1 Licensing and Compatibility thread for important information regarding Deadline 7.1:

Full release notes for Deadline 7.1 can be found in the Deadline 7.1 documentation (see Downloads below).


Installers: … xr2fr2zyxm
Documentation: … qlyjav53l7

Note that the documentation is not complete yet, but most of the new features have been documented.

What’s New In Deadline (Beta 3)

This release also includes various bug fixes and minor improvements.

Here are the highlighted changes:

Improved Slaves Statistics Reports

The Slave Resource Usage farm report is now called the Slaves Overview farm report, and shows additional statistics. For example, the new Slaves Overview chart shows now many slaves were in each state (starting job, rendering, idle, offline, stalled, and disabled). In addition, the new Available/Active Slaves charts show the number of slaves that are available, and the number of available slaves that are active. Finally, the new Plugin Usage chart shows the overall usage of the render plugins.

Both the Slaves Over and Active Slaves Stats reports can also be shown for a given region. This allows you see statistics for slaves in a specific Cloud region, or in specific areas in the office (ie: render nodes versus workstations). Note that this requires you to set which regions your slaves belong to in their Slave Settings.

Protected Jobs

Jobs now have a “Protected” property. When enabled, the job can only be deleted by the job’s user, a super user, or a user that belongs to a user group that has permissions to handle protected jobs. Other users will not be able to delete the job, and the job will also not be cleaned up by Deadline’s automatic house cleaning. This is useful if you have jobs you need to keep around for testing or benchmark purposes.

General Improvements

  • Fixed some additional path mapping bugs.
  • Added options to Jigsaw window to pan the image using the middle mouse button.
  • If a non-pulse machine performs house cleaning, pending job scan, or repository repair, it logs it to the repository history.
  • Updated submitters that support Draft tile assembly to add a new line to the start of Draft assembler config files to workaround potential encoding issues.

Job Improvements

  • Added new OutputFilename#Tile? property to the job info file, which will keep track of images for tile jobs (# is for the output index, ? is for the tile index).
  • Added job property to project jobs from being deleted or archived.
  • A history entry is now added to a job before it is deleted (in case the job gets undeleted later).
  • Fixed some warning messages that could appear when submitting a job that is frame dependent.
  • Fixed some bugs when submitting jobs with asset dependencies.
  • Updated the JobTransfer plugin to use the new RepositoryUtils.CreateJobSubmissionFiles function, which ensures that the transferred job’s properties are set correctly.
  • The TransferSubmission script now sets the transfer job name based on the selected job name.
  • Trailing path separators are now stripped from the output directory when using OutputDirectory# in the job info file during submission.

Statistics Improvements

  • The Slaves Overview report now shows an overview of Available and Active slaves.
  • The Slaves Overview report now shows overall usage of the render plugins.
  • The Slaves Overview and Active Slave Stats reports can now be shown for a specific Region.

Launcher Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Idle Detection from working properly on Linux.

Monitor Improvements

  • Fixed a typo in the status tip for the Save All Pinned Layouts menu item in the Monitor.
  • The Scan For Missing Output option is now available for Tile jobs.
  • The Scan For Missing Output dialog now pulls the colors for the task output rows from the job list’s color scheme.
  • Clicking “No” on the requeue confirmation in the Scan For Missing Output dialog no longer closes the dialog.
  • Output for Tile jobs can now be viewed from the Task list in the Monitor.
  • Added a new dialog to handle the resubmission of Tile jobs.
  • The first tab in each group of tabs is now selected by default when opening the Monitor, instead of the last tab.
  • The pinned filter button menu for the list controls is now updated properly.
  • Fixed a bug in the Scan For Missing Output dialog that would always result in the whole job getting requeued.
  • Removed the filtered utilization calculation from the slave list because it impacted performance, and wasn’t really that useful.
  • Fixed some display issues in the Slave list for slaves that were in the Starting Job state.
  • Fixed an “onDataChanged” error in the Slave list.
  • Saving all pinned layouts from the View menu now saves both the global monitor layouts and local pinned layouts, and the local pinned layouts are now saved in the correct format.
  • The Monitor no longer is hidden and restored when changing local pinned layouts.
  • Fixed some cases where job batch rows did not disappear properly when all their jobs were filtered out.
  • The Execute Command remote control option now respects the IP Address or Host Name override of the machine it’s connecting to.
  • Removed some debug logging when starting slaves via Remote Control.
  • Added user permission option to control if users in a group are allowed to handle protected jobs.
  • Fixed a bug that affected the updating of the Cloud panel.
  • Fixed tooltips and tab order in New/Edit Path Mapping dialog.
  • Cleaned up the titles of the Network Sent/Received and Disk Read/Write columns so that they look less cluttered.
  • Updated the spacing in some columns (specifically where % and / are used) to be consistent with how they’re done in other columns.
  • Disabled slaves now show their actual state in parenthesis in the Status column in the slave list.
  • Removed an obsolete warning message that could appear when using quick filters in the job list.
  • Trailing path separators are now removed in the job/task context menu options to Explore Output so that duplicates can be removed properly.
  • The Reports panels in the Monitor now use a monospace font when using the default style (like the Console panel does).
  • The Console font in a custom style is now applied properly when the monospace option is disabled.
  • The Log report row color in the Reports panels is now applied properly when using a custom style.
  • Disabled slaves are no longer included in the utilization values in the slave list.
  • Slaves that are starting a job are now included in the utilization values in the slave list.

Slave Improvements

  • When finished rendering a task from a Tile job, the Slave now sets the output image file size for the task.
  • The slaves now report memory usage for a task more reliably on Linux.
  • Fixed an error on Windows when mapping drives to a remote path with ‘/’ as the path separators.
  • Disabled slaves no longer perform house cleaning, pending job scan, or repository repair operations.
  • A slave now only triggers slave events when its state actually changes. Previously, the slave would trigger the OnSlaveIdle event repeatedly when it didn’t find any jobs to render, even if it was idle before looking for a job.

Web Service Improvements

  • Added REST API functions to perform path mapping.
  • Added “States” parameter to the jobs API to get jobs in the specified state(s). It accepts a comma separated list of states.

Scripting Improvements

  • Added a RepositoryUtils.CreateJobSubmissionFiles function to create the submission files from the job.
  • Added new MappedPaths module to standalone Python API to perform path mapping.
  • Added a RepositoryUtils.GetJobsInState function to get jobs that are in the specified state(s).
  • Added Jobs.GetJobsInState and Jobs.GetJobsInStates functions to standalone Python API to get jobs in specific states.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Fixed some Tile/Jigsaw related bugs.
  • Added MAXScript Debugger popup ignorer.
  • Added SMTD sanity check to check for active jigsaw regions.
  • SMTD now sets the tile output paths for a Tile job so that they can be viewed from the Monitor.

Anime Studio Improvements

  • Added support for Anime Studio 11.
  • The submitter now correctly parses the new json-formatted *.anime scene files.

Arnold Standalone Improvements

  • Added path mapping support to the contents of the Arnold .ass files.
  • Added progress reporting to the Arnold plugin.

Draft Improvements

  • Fixed some bugs in the Draft Tile Assembler.
  • Fixed a bug where Pool and Group were switched in the Draft event plugin.
  • Fixed the Draft event plugin to pass on the contents of the DraftExtraArgs key-value pairs to the Draft job.

EnergyPlus Improvements

  • Fixed typo in EnergyPlus submission script.

Fusion Improvements

  • Re-added Submission and Job scripts to submit Fusion Quicktime jobs to Deadline (was removed in Deadline 6).
  • Fusion Quicktime jobs are now submitted to the Fusion plugin, instead of having their own QuicktimeFusion plugin.
  • The Fusion plugin now pulls from the Fusion render log correctly when Fusion.exe is chosen as the render executable.

Maxwell Improvements

  • Moved the checkbox to adjust the sampling level for cooperative rendering to the cooperative rendering section.

Maya Improvements

  • The Maya submitter now sets the tile output paths for a Tile job so that they can be viewed from the Monitor.
  • Fixed some bugs in Jigsaw for Maya.
  • The integrated submitter can now export Arnold .ass files locally and then submit an Arnold Standalone job to render them.
  • The Jigsaw window now respects the selected camera in the integrated submitter.

modo Improvements

  • The output format is now sticky in the modo submitter for the Monitor.
  • The modo submitter now sets the tile output paths for a Tile job so that they can be viewed from the Monitor.
  • Fixed a typo for one of the tabs in the modo submitter for the Monitor.

Nuke Improvements

  • Fixed the nuke integrated submitter to evaluate embedded TCL properly before checking for frame padding.

Rendition Improvements

  • The Rendition submitter now sets the tile output paths for a Tile job so that they can be viewed from the Monitor.

Rhino Improvements

  • The Rhino submitter now sets the tile output paths for a Tile job so that they can be viewed from the Monitor.
  • Fixed some layout issues in the Rhino submitter.

Softimage Improvements

  • The Softimage submitter now sets the tile output paths for a Tile job so that they can be viewed from the Monitor.
  • Fixed some bugs with setting the batch name in the Softimage submitter.

VRay DBR Improvements

  • Updated Vray Spawner Monitor submitter to add support for Cinema 4D.

Amazon EC2 Improvements

  • Added support for user data.
  • Fixed a typo in a log message.

Google Cloud Improvements

  • A Save File dialog is now used when setting the path to the OAuth File in the plugin configuration.
  • Added support for tags when launching instances.
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