AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline (Beta 4)


Please read the Deadline 7.1 Licensing and Compatibility thread for important information regarding Deadline 7.1:

Full release notes for Deadline 7.1 can be found in the Deadline 7.1 documentation (see Downloads below).


Installers: … knbnp6wb9r
Documentation: … qlyjav53l7

What’s New In Deadline (Beta 4)

This release also includes various bug fixes and minor improvements.

Here are the highlighted changes:

Improved Graphs in the Monitor

Line and Bar graphs in the Monitor now support panning and zooming, and a right-click option has been added to reset the zoom level. In addition, individual series in some Line graphs can be shown/hidden from the right-click menu. Finally, the axis labels in these graphs have been updated to properly represent integer and date/time values, which makes them easier to read.

Improved Submission Script Installers

The submission script installers now show what DEADLINE_PATH is set to (which is used by the submission scripts to determine where the Deadline Client’s bin folder is located). You then have the option to change it if it’s incorrect, or set it if it doesn’t exist. This is useful if you have multiple versions of Deadline installed on your system.

A side-effect of this improvement is that it allows you to update DEADLINE_PATH without having to reinstall the Deadline Client or manually changing your system’s environment. To do this, simply run any submission script installer, change the DEADLINE_PATH value, and uncheck all options listed in the Components list. The installer will then update the DEADLINE_PATH without installing the submission script files.

Draft Updated to Version

This version of Draft requires a new Draft 1.3 licenses, and includes the following updates:

Draft Tile Assembler:

  • Added support for assembling big images by exposing a new class in Python called TileAssembler. Most of the logic of an assembly job can now be handled internally

LUT support:

  • Improved the robustness of the Draft ASCCDL Reader. The reader can now handle different syntax in its input file.


  • Fixed a bug when encoding an image with VideoEncoder. The VideoEncoder was applying a bit of scaling to the image.

General Improvements

  • When using an Alternative Auxiliary File directory for jobs, Deadline will only cleanup folders with a name that has a valid Job ID format. This prevents a side-effect where Deadline would delete other folders in the Alternative Auxiliary File directory that it didn’t origially create.
  • Fixed some rounding errors in Jigsaw that could occur with region sizes if the background image is a different resolution than the rendered image.
  • Fixed some encoding issues that could occur in the assembly config files when submitting Jigsaw renders.

Installer Improvements

  • The submission script installers now show what DEADLINE_PATH is set to, giving you the option to change it if it’s incorrect.
  • Fixed some issues with the MongoDB init script that is installed by the Repository installer on Linux that could cause it to conflict with a previous MongoDB installation.
  • Fixed how the LAUNCHERSERVICELOCK variable is set in the Launcher init script that is installed by the Client installer on Linux.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the modo submitter installer to install into an extra DeadlineModo sub folder.
  • The script for modo 6xx and earlier is now shipped with the Repository installer again.
  • End of line characters are now removed with the Repository installer sets up the dbConnect.xml file in the Repository.

Job Improvements

  • Added a Custom job scheduling option which lets you pick specific days to start and/or stop the job, just like in the Slave Scheduling settings.
  • When setting the next start or stop date for Daily scheduled jobs, it is now relative to the current date, not the date that the job was originally scheduled to be started or stopped.

Statistics Improvements

  • Added tables to the Slaves Overview report to show Last, Min, Avg, and Max values for the series in the graphs.
  • All farm reports pages now use splitters so that the graphs can be resized or hidden.
  • In the Farm Reports dialog, the date range boxes are now formatted to be consistent with how dates are formatted elsewhere.

Monitor Improvements

  • Line graphs now support panning and zooming, and a right-click option is now available to reset the zoom level.
  • Individual series in some Line graphs can be shown/hidden from the right-click menu.
  • Improved the axis labels in many graphs so that they properly represent integer or date/time values.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Slaves Overview report to crash the Monitor when switching between individual slaves.
  • Fixed a display issue with the Find icon in the context menu for the Console and Reports panels.
  • Fixed a bug when whitelisting or blacklisting a slave from the task menu that prevented it from persisting.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent jobs exported in one timezone from being imported into another timezone.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the Cloud panel from updating properly.
  • The Scheduling page in the Job Properties now has a Custom option, which lets you pick days of the week to start and/or stop the job.
  • The job properties dialog will now ask you to pend/release a job if the scheduling settings have changed.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting the Protected job property in the Submission Params page in the job properties dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the job progress bar in the Monitor from updating when the progress for a single task job is updated.
  • Changed the color for normalized render time line in the task render times graph.

Slave Improvements

  • When the slave is shutting down, it skips the gathering of system info (cpu, ram, swap, network I/O and disk I/O) when reporting the slave state because it can significantly slow down the shutdown of the slave.

Balancer Improvements

  • The Perform Balancing menu item in the Balancer is now correct on OSX.

Web Service Improvements

  • Added REST functions to get the report contents for a job.

Scripting Improvements

  • Added JobBatchName to Job object in the script API.
  • Removed use of deprecated JobUtils and ScriptUtils functions from the Monitor scripts that ship with Deadline.
  • Added FrameUtils.ReplacePaddingWithFrameNumber() function to Script API.
  • Added standalone Python functions to get the report contents for a job.

3ds Cmd Improvements

  • Added a new sanity check to the integrated submitter.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Fixed a bug in SMTD that prevented a couple Shotgun checkboxes from working properly.
  • Fixed how SMTD set the job batch name when using the Create/Upload checkboxes.
  • Added new sanity checks to SMTD.
  • Added ExtraInfo customisable maxscript $tokens to SMTD.

Arnold Standalone Improvements

  • The Command Line field in the Monitor submitter is now sticky.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • Added stdout handler to catch “The output resolution is too high for the selected render engine” error message.

Draft Improvements

  • Updated Draft to v1.3.1.57995.
  • Updated Draft Assembly plugin to use new Draft functions, which reduce memory usage and improves performance.

Maxwell Improvements

  • Added new stdout handlers to determine the extra sampling level so that progress can be reported accurately for scenes with extra sampling enabled.
  • Added option to Monitor submitter to specify the camera to render.

Maya Improvements

  • Added option to the integrated submitter to submit a Maxwell export job to Deadline, as well as a dependent Maxwell standalone job.
  • Added option to the integrated submitter to perform a local Maxwell export, and then submit a Maxwell standalone job to render the exported files.
  • The Command Line field in the Monitor submitter is now sticky.
  • The Jigsaw regions are now rendered properly when using Arnold.
  • Arnold’s MergeAOV setting is now respected when Tile or Jigsaw rendering.
  • Fixed a bug with getting bounding boxes for Jigsaw when using a vertical camera.

Microstation Improvements

  • Added ability to specify which settings are sticky and what their default settings are to the Microstation submitter.
  • Added support for Autodesk/SAT file exports.
  • Fixed a bug where the submitter wasn’t pulling the selected Environment/Render setups properly.
  • Added better error messages for missing/inaccessible/invalid design files.
  • Fixed a bug where Save Multiple Images jobs were no longer working properly.

modo Improvements

  • Added Output Override settings to the integrated modo submitter, which let you render to the Layered PSD or EXR formats.
  • The browser buttons in the integrated submitter no longer clear their corresponding values if the user cancels the browser window.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Draft assembly from working when submitting modo Tile renders from the Monitor for if a layered EXR format was not selected.
  • Added support for a modo sanity check script, which can be created in the submission/Modo/Main folder in the Repository.

Octane Improvements

  • The Octane submitter can now parse render targets from Octane 2 ocs files.
  • The Octane submitter handles ocs parsing errors better.

OpenStack Improvements

  • Added a Region Name option to the OpenStack cloud plugin configuration.
  • Updated the version of the libcloud library that the OpenStack cloud plugin uses.
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