Deadline 7.1.1 Released!

Deadline 7.1.1 has been released! … -2015.html

The final version number is There were a few bugs fixed between RC2 and this public release:

  • Fixed an error in the VRay Spawner plugin when using the Kill On Existing Process mode to handle existing spawner processes.
  • Fixed an error in the CoronaDR plugin when using the Kill On Existing Process mode to handle existing DR processes.
  • The CoronaDR.options file is now shipped with the Repository installer.
  • Fixed an error in the LuxSlave plugin when using the Kill On Existing Process mode to handle existing DR processes.
  • VRED plugin now includes default executable paths for Linux.
  • Fixed a bug in the VRED plugin that prevented sequencer jobs from running properly.
  • Increased the hardcoded frames per task setting for movie renders in After Effects.

Please contact our Sales team to get the link to the final version:

The Deadline Team