Deadline (Beta 4)


Please read the Deadline 7.2 Licensing and Compatibility thread for important information regarding Deadline 7.2:

Full release notes for Deadline 7.2 can be found in the Deadline 7.2 documentation (see Downloads below).


Installers and Documentation: … 3xwxr33sy6

What’s New In Deadline (Beta 4)

This release fixes some bugs, and makes some minor improvements. It also upgrades Draft to 1.4, so make sure to read the licensing information in the next paragraph before upgrading.

Note that a new 7.2 license is required to run this version. If you have a license for Deadline 7.1 or earlier, you will need an updated license. In addition, the version of Draft that ships with Deadline 7.2 needs a new 1.4 license. If you have a license for Draft 1.3 or earlier, you will need an updated license.

NIM Integration

Support has been added for NIM, which is a pipeline management tool ( This includes automatic Render creation, and thumbnail and movie uploading. NIM can be chosen as an integration option in the After Effects, Cinema 4D, Maya, and Nuke submitters. Support should be added soon for Hiero, and we’ll add support for other applications when NIM supports them.

NIM is supported via the NIM event plugin (similar to how ftrack and Shotgun are supported).

General Improvements

  • The Quick Draft template scripts are now installed with the Repository.
  • The HServer main integrated submission script files are now installed to the correct location in the Repository.
  • Fixed an Idle Shutdown bug in Power Management which caused it to think that a slave has been running for a very long time when it had actually just started up.
  • Thermal Shutdown for Power Management now supports temperature sensors that report values using the Gauge SNMP type.
  • Updated how many of the Python-based job submitters check for the STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW attribute on Windows so that they work in Python 2.6 and Python 2.7.
  • Added a Repository Option to control how often the local Deadline temp folder is cleaned up.

Monitor Improvements

  • Fixed a display issue with the grouping option in custom Farm Reports.
  • The report panels in the Monitor can now have a smaller mininum size.
  • The license column in the slave list will now show “Disabled” when the slave is disabled.
  • Monitor layouts no longer crash when there are Unicode characters in user names, filter names, etc.
  • Fixed a bug in the Repository Options where the Password for the Primary SMTP server would only get saved if the User Name was modified.
  • Fixed a bug in the Machine Startup tab for Power Management that caused the button to set the startup order to be disabled.

Slave Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the slave to take a long time between dequeuing a task and actually starting to render it.
  • The slave UI will now show “Disabled” for licensing when the slave is disabled.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that caused SMTD to crash when using certain Jigsaw buttons.
  • Fixed a submission error in SMTD when the current viewport isn’t a camera.
  • The Quick draft settings are now loaded when SMTD is opened, instead of when the Integration tab is clicked on. Otherwise, a submission error will occur if Quick draft is enabled, but the tab hasn’t been selected.
  • The batch name is now set for the job when draft is enabled.
  • Fixed a syntax error in the 3dsmax plugin when checking the bitness of the render executable.

After Effects Improvements

  • Improved render progress reporting when Multi-Machine Rendering is enabled.
  • The ae_force_english.txt file is now created in the correct location on OSX when using the option to force AE to run in English mode.
  • Added NIM as an integration option.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • Added NIM as an integration option.

DJV Improvements

  • Fixed a syntax error in the DJV plugin when checking the bitness of the render executable.

Draft Improvements

  • Draft has been upgraded to version 1.4 (requires a new license), which adds support for controlling image compression and quality settings.
  • When syncing Draft locally, we now use filecmp instead of hashlib to avoid potential library mismatch issues.

Houdini Improvements

  • Fixed a syntax error in the Houdini plugin where houdiniExe was referenced before definition.
  • Single Frame Tile Job is now enabled by default for Tile Rendering in the Houdini integrated submitter.
  • Added a label next to the Jigsaw button in the Houdini integrated submitter indicating the minimum Houdini version that is supported.
  • The Jigsaw button now shows a clean error message if the current driver doesn’t have a camera.
  • The directory for the Draft assembly config file is now created by the Houdini integrated submitter if it doesn’t exist.
  • Fixed some syntax errors in the integrated submitter when submitting tile jobs.
  • Fixed some logic checks in the integrated submitter when it’s run for the first time.

HServer Improvements

  • Updated the HServer integrated submitter to make it easier to render once the “reserve” job has been submitted.
  • Fixed sleep type in HServer.param (‘int’ isn’t valid, it should have been ‘integer’).

Lightwave Improvements

  • Fixed a bug in the Lightwave integrated submitter that could prevent it from running the first time.

Maya Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that caused Jigsaw assembled images to be inverted for every renderer except VRay.
  • When Arnold is the selected renderer, and AOVs are enabled, we weren’t handling the case where ‘beauty’ is the only AOV defined. In this case, Arnold doesn’t save to a separate ‘beauty’ folder, but the Maya submitter thought it was. This has been fixed.
  • Added NIM as an integration option.

modo Improvements

  • When the modo plugin is performing Path Mapping on the contents of the scene file, it now handles relative paths by prefixing them with the path to the modo scene file.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the modo integrated submitter from working with modo 7.
  • The modo plugin now specifies a default output pattern if there isn’t one.
  • Fixed a bug in how ftrack and Shotgun settings were being stored in the modo submitter.

Natron Improvements

  • Fixed a syntax error in the Natron plugin when checking the bitness of the render executable.

Nuke Improvements

  • Fix some bugs when the Submit as Separated Jobs option is enabled.
  • Added NIM as an integration option.

RVIO Improvements

  • Fixed a syntax error in the RVIO plugin when checking the bitness of the render executable.

TVPaint Improvements

  • Added support for different job types.