Please read the Deadline 8.0 Licensing and Compatibility thread for important information regarding Deadline 8.0: … 09&t=13897
Full release notes for Deadline 8.0 can be found in the Deadline 8.0 documentation (see Downloads below).
Installers and Documentation: … inkv0z7li8
What’s New In Deadline (Beta 3)
This release includes a bunch of bug fixes and improvements.
General Improvements
- Only the main Deadline applications (Monitor, Slave, Pulse, etc) print a message when they connect to a proxy server, which prevents extra connection messages from being displayed in the console due to hidden processes.
- Fixed how a bunch of submission scripts, plugins, and events where using the RepositoryUtils.GetRootDirectory() function.
- Add missing FranticX import line to few plugins which use ManagedProcess.
- When selecting a licensing option in the Deadline applications, the Usage Based Licensing option now shows the URL that is used.
Installer Improvements
- Fixed a bug in the linux client installer where it would fail to find the script to run the launcher service after installation.
- Fixes an error message that would come up at the end of the installation process during a clean install.
Launcher Improvements
- When failing to connect to a repository, the Launcher will now include the full error text in the error message that pops up.
Monitor Improvements
- When failing to connect to a repository, the Monitor will now include the full error text in the error message that pops up.
- Fixed the Remaining Time Threshold Tooltip in the job properties dialog.
- Fixed a bug where remote command counts in the remote command panel were not being tracked correctly
- Improved the look of the Event nodes in the job dependency viewer.
- Fixed an issue where the “Synchronize Scripts and Plugin Icons” command would not update the icons in the Monitor’s job list. Also made the command slightly more verbose.
Slave Improvements
- If there is a syntax error or an exception is thrown in the initialization of an application plugin the error is handled properly now and the slave no longer locks up.
Command Improvements
- Improved the names of some commands, like changing SetRegionEnabled to SetCloudRegionBalancerEnabled. The old names are still supported for legacy purposes.
- Added DeleteBalancer and DeleteProxyServer commands.
Balancer Improvements
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Balancer from getting a license in GUI mode.
Proxy Server Improvements
- Fixed a bug where extra slashes were being added to the URI when generating a request for the root endpoint. This caused an error on OSX and Linux.
- Data is now pulled from the Proxy Server in batches, instead of all at once.
- The Proxy Server now supports Nginx’s KeepAlive functionality.
Scripting Improvements
- Added a new FileUpload control that can be used in .param files. It let’s you choose a file, and stores the contents of that file.
3ds Max Improvements
- The repository path is now displayed in the SMTD title.
NIM Improvements
- Updated NimUI so that it works with the new PythonSync stuff and no longer requires nimcore to be in the events directory.
Nuke Improvements
- The Nuke plugin now automatically sets the environment variable NUKE_USE_FAST_ALLOCATOR to 1 when using Nuke 7.