We’re running a cross platform (& site) farm and the slave property of ‘Region’ on the Deadline Monitor allowed us to drive how each platform should replace filepaths eg: centos_glasgow nodes behave differently from centos_bristol nodes.
Now I can see the removal of this seemingly obsolete feature in Deadline 8.0 notes but how do we inform our nodes to pay attention to the region settings we’ve used in the repo’s mapped paths region options?
Is there a new ui tab I’ve to discover in Deadline Monitor? By all means feel free to point out something i’ve obviously missed here.
Edit: Will endeavour to see what can be done without this option on the slave properties in the mean time.
This is mostly a side-effect of us moving the ‘Region’ from a Slave-level concept (i.e., each Slave on a machine could be in a different region) to a Machine-wide concept (i.e., all Deadline apps on the machine are considered as part of the same Region).
As such, the Region itself is now set in the Deadline.ini configuration file (in C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline8\deadline.ini on Windows, /var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline8/deadline.ini on Linux, /Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline8/deadlilne.ini on Mac), along with other machine-specific settings. To change a machine’s region via the GUI, you can do this from the Launcher’s menu if you’re remoted in.
To set these up from the Repository side of things (ie, via the Monitor), which is probably what you’re actually after, you can do so via the Auto Configuration feature (see docs here). Using that, you should be able to define a region for Slaves whose IP or hostname match a given regex.