Deadline (Beta 7)

This is the eight beta build for Deadline 8.1, and the first Release Candidate build. This means that going forward, only bugfixes will be made,

Please read the Deadline 8.1 Licensing and Compatibility thread for important information regarding Deadline 8.1: … 09&t=14476

There is also a known bug when auto-upgrading from a version older than – the auto-upgrade will fail to set execute permissions on the newly-added “deadlinesandbox” shell script on Linux/Mac OS. For this reason, we recommend using the Client installers to upgrade to this revision from versions older than, or be sure to manually add execute permissions to that script after the auto-upgrade.

Full release notes can be found in the Deadline 8.1 documentation (see Downloads below).

Installers: … odkyszs3a5

Deadline 8.1 Beta 7 Release Notes
This release includes various bugfixes and minor improvements across the board, but also includes all the fixes made in intervening builds of Deadline 8.0, up to (and including) v8.0.11.2.

Application Improvements

General Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a Stack Overflow error when accessing Slave Settings (via “deadlinecommand -getslaves” for example).
  • Added a sanity check to confirm that Auxiliary Files have been properly copied over to the server during Job submission.
  • Updated House Cleaning process to print archive messages between each archived Job instead of printing the messages all at once.

Launcher Improvements

  • Added CPU and GPU affinity tabs to Local Slave Controls.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the Scripts and Submit menus from being populated in the Launcher.

Monitor Improvements

  • Clarified description on some Repository Options in the Monitor UI.
  • Clarified some Licensing-related error messages that appeared in the Slave/Balancer lists in the Monitor.
  • Added ability to overwrite a custom farm report when creating/importing them.

Proxy Improvements

  • Added configurable setting to Repository Option that controls how long Deadline will keep Proxy logs around.
  • Fixed a regression in the Proxy that could lead to uploaded files being corrupted by further updates, if the newly updated files were smaller in size.
  • Fixed a bug where connected clients could ‘miss’ updates to Jobs and Slaves when initially connecting to a Proxy.

Slave Improvements

  • Added new per-Job options for what to do when a Slave times out when working on a Job (Requeue, Requeue & Notify, Fail, Fail & Notify).
  • When checking for pop-up handlers, window contents will be dumped regardless if Debug logging is enabled (even if the popup is being handled).

Web Service Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent changing the Repository Option that controls how long Deadline will keep Web Service logs around.

API Improvements
Embedded Python API

  • Added a PopupHandler functionality to specify a RegEx to match against pop-up window contents, as well as the Title.
  • Exposed some more LimitGroup properties to the embedded Python API, including the ones related to usage states.

Application Plugin Improvements
General Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly required an active connection to FTrack/Shotgun/NIM to use already-saved sticky settings.
  • Updated all Monitor submitters to use the new Pipeline Tools UI.


  • Fixed a bug in the 3dsCmd plugin that was not obtaining the CPU Affinity Override properly.
  • Cosmetic and consistency improvements made to labels and checkboxes in SMTD.
  • Added support for Corona 1.5 in 3dsMax.

After Effects

  • Improved the layout of several controls in the integrated submission interface for After Effects.
  • Fixed a bug in AfterEffects plugin which prevented it from switching the slashes in the scene filename before path mapping everything within the scene.
  • The integrated After Effects submitter will now check and warn users before submission if GPU acceleration has been enabled.


  • Fix a deadlocking issue that could occur in the integrated submitter on OSX.


  • Fixed various minor issues and inconsistencies in the Draft Annotations UI.
  • Fixed a regression that caused errors when trying to create a movie via Quick Draft.


  • Added some validation and file-type checking before uploading files to FTrack.


  • Fixed a regression that occurred in the Maya integrated submitter when submitting the scene file with the Job.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing a shelf icon from being created for the Maya V-Ray DBR submitter.
  • Fixed several bugs with how the Maya V-Ray DBR submitter was invoking deadlinecommand.exe.
  • Fixed a bug with the Maya V-Ray DBR submitter that required the regular Maya Deadline submitter to be installed.
  • Added region rendering support for Redshift in Maya.

Media Encoder

  • Updated the Media Encoder plugin to work properly with the ModifyCommandLine callback.


  • Added some validation and file-type checking before uploading files to NIM.


  • Cleaned up some typos in the Rhino submission interface.


  • Added some validation and file-type checking before uploading files to Shotgun.


  • Updated the detection of the current OS in the integrated submission interface to be more robust.

-Fixed the Silhouette plugin’s progress tracking to get the full output line as the status message.

Cloud Plugin Improvements

  • Sorted list of available images alphabetically.