[deadline 8 beta] UBL activation


I’m trying to connect our deadline 8 test slaves to the UBL we have.
It is a big failure so far :

2016-03-03 19:22:21: Could not obtain license because:
2016-03-03 19:22:21: [1,7de,9,0[74000008,4d,110001d0]] Generic communications error.
2016-03-03 19:22:21: [1,7de,9,0[75000001,77,300101b5]] General data transfer failure. Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) , Not enough credit for deadline-metered-beta,
2016-03-03 19:22:21: The Slave cannot run in LICENSE-FREE MODE because there are more than two Slaves in the Deadline Repository. For more information, please email sales@thinkboxsoftware.com.
2016-03-03 19:22:21: Could not obtain license because:
2016-03-03 19:22:21: Scheduler Thread - >>> LICENSE CHECK OUT FAILED, SKIPPING TASK DEQUEUING

I tried the 3 different activation codes, with no success.
Any hint ?


Hi Pierre,

Which operating system are you running the Deadline Slaves on? This looks like an error that would come up on Ubuntu/Debian systems, since unfortunately those flavors of Linux are not currently supported for UBL. This is a limitation of the Flex licensing libraries that we need to use to support UBL, and while we hope they will address this in the future, there is currently no workaround on these systems.

Currently, the supported Linux flavors for UBL are Redhat, CentoOS, and Fedora.


Hello Ryan,

thanks for your answer.

We are running deadline on OpenSuSE, which is quite close to SuSE.


Ah, it’s probably the same problem then for OpenSuSe/SuSe systems. To be honest, we haven’t tested Deadline on these systems as they aren’t officially supported:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … tml#client

It’s a lot to ask, but is switching Linux flavors an option for you?



Well for testing purposes it won’t be a pb.

But entire farm runs opensuse at the moment :blush: - it’s running fine with deadline 7

Do you need to use UBL for your farm, or would you be fine using regular floating licenses for Deadline 8? Obviously we’re pushing UBL so that it’s put through its paces, but this situation would definitely be an exception.

If you would like to use floating licenses, please email our Sales team and they should be able to set you up.


Well we’re using floating licenses with our farm as we speak, and I have already a functional floating beta license.

The UBL model is a nice tool for us when we have a peak of activity, so we were thinking about using a mix of floating and UBL licenses, it’s one of the reason of my tests.

Ah, good to know.

Unfortunately then, the only solution would be to use Redhat, CentOS, or Fedora on the machines that you want to use UBL. :frowning:

Got it.

Do you think this issue with UBL and opensuse could be resolved at some point ?

We have indeed the project to migrate to another linux flavour, but it’s a BIG job since we have to migrate a lot of tools.
My guess is that Deadline 8.2 will be out before we make a production without opensuse.

We’d like to think so, but unfortunately it’s out of our control at this stage. We’ve brought up the issue with Flexera, and while the official response is that only the Linux flavors I listed are supported, we believe the issue boils down to the SSL certificates they use. We’ve been told that they plan on updating their certificates by May of this year, but we won’t know if it fixes the problem until then. If it doesn’t, we’ll have to continue talking with them to try and figure out a solution.


I’ve got some good news!

We’ve discovered that if you use the Local License Server (LLS) instead of the Cloud License Server (CLS), then you can run the Slave on Ubuntu (and likely Debian and SuSe) and use UBL. The only catch is that the LLS itself must run on Redhat, CentOS, or Fedora, but that’s better than converting your entire farm over.

Check out this blog entry for a quick explanation of how the LLS works, and how it’s different from the CLS:
deadline.thinkboxsoftware.com/fe … -licensing

We do have some documentation on setting up the LLS in the Deadline 8 documentation (under Licensing). It’s probably a bit rough around the edges, so we would definitely appreciate any feedback on the setup process, and we’re here to help if you run into any problems. Note that you will have to “purchase” render time again from the Store, and this time you’ll need to enable the option at the bottom of the cart that indicates if you want to manually apply your purchase to your license server (this is also covered in the Deadline 8 docs).

Assuming you’ve already used the discount code you received from the sales team, you can just email them and request additional render time. Just explain the situation, and reference this forum thread.


Hello Ryan,

Excellent news, setting up a server is way easier indeed.

I’ve begun to setup a LLS server, I’ll get back to you as soon as I have “purchased” some rendering time on it.



After testing, I confirm that a centos LLS can serve UBL to opensuse slaves, this is good news for our future with deadline 8 :slight_smile:

I don’t have much to report on the setup process, it’s pretty straight forward. I did not bump on anything, the flexnetls documentation as well as yours are quite good.

Thank you for your help, we’re pushing forward on deadline 8.


Great! Thanks for letting us know that it works, and we’re glad to hear that both sets of documentation were helpful.
