Deadline 9 - Force Update Shotgun Events


We duplicated the base Shotgun event plugin in /repository/custom/events/ and made some changes, but it seems that Deadline is using the previous version and doesn’t update the event plugin.

Is there any way to force update those plugins? It seems that the Deadline Monitor > Tools > Synchronize Scripts and Plugins button is not working neither.

The console log shows this:

2017-07-10 18:22:37:  Synchronizing plugin icons...
2017-07-10 18:22:38:  Finished synchronizing scripts and plugins.

This bug is only in Shotgun Event Plugin because we have a custom Draft Event Plugin that updates.

Is there a way to synchronize the plugins remotely?


I wonder if there are files that are missing from the ‘custom’ folder and if it’s falling back to the main plugin under “[repo]/events/Shotgun”. Have you tired throwing a print or similar to see if that has any effect?

For syncing files, we did have some issues awhile back with the cache not updating (if in use). You should be able to find the cache at “%localappdata%\Thinkbox\Deadline9\cache”. Each Repository you connect to when local caching is enabled (in the global deadline.ini) will get its own randomly hashed folder. You can safely remove them (if any).