Deadline adding in extra EXR channels to renders. Mx 2012 64

Heya Folks,

I’m getting an odd thing happening on some renders recently. We’re using deadline to render max 2012 x64 files with vray 2.3, and in some of our recent renders we’ve had extra exr render elements added in to each of the separate render elements we’ve put out. For speed in nuke, we’re outputting a single exr sequence for each of our render elements so that if they aren’t used they don’t cause any un-needed lag on the nuke viewer. We’ve had two scene files render on friday however that have written out exr files with a tonne of extra channels in each of our render element channels. It’s the entire list of 3dsmax g-buffer channels that you get when you use the normal max render output for EXR files, and there’s no reason for it. If the scene file is rendered locally, none of the extra channels appear so it seems to be something that deadline is doing. I’ve had it previously where if deadline is allowed to update render element path names that it also changes the options that exr files are saved with (compression and storage type) so I’m suspicious that it’s doing something else in the background too, seeing as the problem doesn’t occur when the render is done locally.

Here’s the submission log which doesn’t suggest to me anything with extra elements being added in:

[code][18:59:41] : ==JOB [ 082_2430_roverDeadlineTest_011 ] SUBMISSION MESSAGE END======================================================================================
[18:59:41] : Ready.
---- CLOSE DIALOG : 30/11/2012 19:00:31 ----
---- OPEN DIALOG : 30/11/2012 19:00:34 ----
Current 3ds Max Scene: \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\082_2430\3D\Scene\Animation\082_2430_roverDeadlineTest_011.max
[19:00:34] : >Opening Job Options Rollout
[19:00:34] : >Adding Job Dependencies Rollout
[19:00:40] : >SUBMIT Button Pressed.
[19:00:40] : >Performing Sanity Check…
[19:00:40] : >>Detected 0 potential problems: 0 Fatal, 0 Can Be Fixed, 0 Warnings.
[19:00:40] : +Sanity Check PASSED.
[19:00:40] : File Path: [\qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\082_2430\3D\Scene\Animation]
[19:00:40] : File Name: [082_2430_roverDeadlineTest_011.max]
[19:00:40] : >SCENE INFO:
Scene Nodes: 346
Geometry: 223
Shapes: 2
Lights: 14
Cameras: 2
Helpers: 105
SpaceWarps: 0

[19:00:40] : Current View: [Camera01]
SubmitSceneGlobalBasePath = \qnap1\vol4\temp\global_3dsMax_scene_renders
JobIsInterruptible = false
RegionType = 1
BlackFramesCheckRenderElements = false
PostLoadScriptFile =
PreTaskScriptFile =
SingleTaskJob = false
QuicktimePoolName =
QuicktimeCustomFilename =
SlavesBlackList = true
ScheduledDays = 1
SGTask =
DraftUser =
group = max_group
SubmitSceneMode = reposave
JobsArray = #()
SingleTileJobBottom =
RegionUseMaxValues = false
TransferPool =
RemovePadding = false
DeadlineSubmissionSuccessful = true
CloseAfterSubmission = false
IgnoreRenderElements = false
QuicktimeCodec = #(“Motion JPEG A”, “Motion JPEG A_mjpa”, “”, “”, “”)
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoMentalRay = true
ScheduledStartDateTime = 30/11/2012 18:38
ExtraInfo5 =
SubmitSceneNetworkLocation =
FullJobsArray = #()
CustomTiles = #()
IgnoreMissingExternalFiles = true
SubmitVisibleObjectsOnly = false
CreateImsqFile = false
PostTaskScriptFile =
SlavesNamedSet =
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoBrazil = true
SGEntity =
DraftEntity =
DependencyJobItems = #{}
SingleTileJobFilename =
UseCustomTiles = false
TransferGroup =
TransferPriority = 50
IgnoreMissingUVWs = true
ForceWorkstationMode = false
CopyVbscriptFile = false
CopyImsqFile = false
PreFrameScriptFile =
QuicktimeGenerate = false
QuicktimeUseGenerator = 1
QuicktimePoolExclusive = true
Slaves = #()
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoBrazil2 = true
TaskTimeoutEnabled = false
ExtraInfo6 =
Department = 3D
groups = #(“none”, “boxx_group”, “krak_group”, “max_group”, “nuke_group”, “rack_group”, “ray_fire_group”, “rvio_group”, “terrablock”, “test_op_group”)
category =
Categories = #()
SubmitSceneNetworkReuseLocation = false
LimitEnabled = false
LimitTasksToNumberOfCpus = true
ResumeOnDeletedDependencies = false
MachineLimitTileJobs = false
TransferDeleteOnComplete = true
IgnoreMissingXREFs = true
ImsqOutputPath =
SlaveSettingsSticky = true
TaskTimeout = 3601
SGUser =
theIniFiles = #()
OneCpuPerTask = false
PoolsSort = false
Priority = 66
TilesInX = 4
SingleTileJobReFilename =
LimitGroups = #(“terrablock”)
TransferJobAsSuspended = false
IgnoreMissingDLLs = false
PostFrameScriptFile =
QuicktimeGroup =
SlaveInfo = #()
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoVRay = true
AutoTaskTimeout = false
ExtraInfo7 =
DraftVersion =
comment = $default
theIniFilenames = #()
LocalRendering = true
OutOfOrderStep = 2
ChunkSize = 1
MaxVersionToForce = 64bit
TilesInY = 4
LimitGroupsToUse = #()
TransferCompressed = false
DisableMultipass = false
UsePathConfigFile = false
UseCustomShader = false
QuicktimeFusionTemplates = #(#(), #(), #(), #(), #())
SlaveInfoCollected = false
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoKrakatoa = true
RestartMax = false
SGProject =
RepositoryList = #(“DISABLED”)
CurrentRepository =
PoolName = ldom_3d_pool
RenderOutOfOrder = false
SubmitAsSuspended = false
TilesRendering = false
SingleTileJobTileCount = 0
LimitGroupAutoBrazil = false
UseAltPluginIni = false
MergeXRefsOnSubmission = false
MergePathConfigFile = false
CustomShaderMode = 1
TimeoutSubmission = 3600
IsBakeJob = false
ExtraInfo8 =
StateSetsSubmit = false
username = john
Pools = #(“none”, “2d_pool”, “3d_pool”, “fx_pool”, “ldom_3d_pool”, “ldom_lookdev_pool”, “rs_3d_pool”, “rvio_pool”)
SubmitAsDependent = false
TileBlowupMode = false
SingleTileJobFrameList =
LimitGroupAutoWorkstation = false
AutoSuggestIni = false
MergeSceneXRefsOnSubmission = false
PopupHandling = true
RunPreJobScript = false
UseBatchRender = false
QuicktimeGamma = 1.8
QuicktimeTemplate = #("", “”, “”, “”, “”)
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoAmaretto = true
ExtraInfo0 =
SGUpdate = false
StateSetsList = #{}
RepositoryListActual = #(undefined)
AutoDelete = false
SingleTileJob = false
DropSubmission = false
AltINISelection = 1
UseSilentMode = true
RestartRenderer = true
PathConfigFile =
RunPostJobScript = false
RenderFramesPreviewJob = false
PreviewJobFrameCount = 5
TimeoutQTSubmission = 120
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoFinalRender = true
ExtraInfo9 =
StateSetToRender = 0
PoolExclusive = false
OnComplete = Nothing
SingleTileJobDependent = true
TilesPadding = 0
BgSubmission = false
AltPluginIni =
StrictOutput = false
RunPreTaskScript = false
PreviewJobPriorityOffset = 5
QuicktimeQuality = 75
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoMaxwell = true
ExtraInfo1 =
SGDisplayInfo = #()
StateSetName =
CurrentRepository2 =
OutOfOrderMethod = normal
SingleTileJobCleanup = false
TilesSubmissionJobIDs = #()
UseJpegOutput = false
ShowFrameBuffer = true
RunPreLoadScript = false
RunPostTaskScript = false
TimeoutCollectData = 60
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoQuicksilver = true
SGDraftTemplate =
SGJobSettings = #()
SingleTileJobLeft =
RegionRendering = false
JpegOutputPath =
AltIniPath = c:
OverrideBitmapPager = false
DeadlineSubmissionLastJobID = 005_066_001_40c007d5
RunPostLoadScript = false
PreJobScriptFile =
RenderElementsUpdatePaths = false
QuicktimeExposure = 1.0
AutomaticallyUpdateJobName = false
ExtraInfo2 =
DraftTemplate =
StateSetInfo =
MachineLimit = 1
MaxVersionToForceSticky = false
RegionLeft = 0
BitmapPager = false
RunPreFrameScript = false
OverrideLowPriorityThread = true
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoIRay = true
SGVersion =
SubmitScene = true
OverrideFailOnExistingMaxProcess = false
SingleTileJobRight =
RegionTop = 0
AlternateEmails =
EnableFailOnBlackFrames = false
SubmitExternalFiles = false
RunPostFrameScript = false
MAXScriptFile =
RenderElementsUpdateFilenames = false
QuicktimeProxy = 1
MeditMaterialsStorage = #()
MissingFiles = #("\qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\082_2430\Tracking\To3dsMax\UD_plate\082_2430.0000.ifl", “\qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\082_2430\Tracking\To3dsMax\UD_plate\082_2430.0000.ifl”, “\qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\082_2430\Tracking\To3dsMax\UD_plate\082_2430.0000.ifl”)
ExtraInfo3 =
DraftSubmitJob = false
jobname = 082_2430_roverDeadlineTest_011
SubmitSceneBasePath =
SequentialJob = false
FailOnExistingMaxProcess = false
RegionRight = 100
BlackPixelPercentage = 1
SubmitExternalFilesMode = 1
PreLoadScriptFile =
PostJobScriptFile =
QuicktimeSettingsFile =
QuicktimeUseTemplate = #(false, false, false, false, false)
QuicktimeFilenameMode = 1
SlavesList = #(“Render006”)
ClearMaterialEditorOnSubmission = true
WarnAboutMissingExternalFiles = false
SGDescription =
DraftShotgunUpload = false
DisableProgressUpdateTimeout = false
MaxTasksPerSlave = 1
SingleTileJobTop =
RegionBottom = 100
NotificationNote =
BlackPixelThreshold = 0.1
PerformSanityCheck = true
SubmitAsMXSJob = false
RenderElementsPermanentChanges = false
QuicktimeFusionVersion = 2
ExportAdvancedRenderInfoScanline = true
ScheduledType = none
ExtraInfo4 =

[19:00:40] : >Job Submission Started…
[19:00:40] : >Checking For Missing External Files…
[19:00:41] : >Missing Files:
[19:00:41] : \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\082_2430\Tracking\To3dsMax\UD_plate\082_2430.0000.ifl
[19:00:41] : \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\082_2430\Tracking\To3dsMax\UD_plate\082_2430.0000.ifl
[19:00:41] : \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\082_2430\Tracking\To3dsMax\UD_plate\082_2430.0000.ifl
[19:00:41] : +Render Dialog Closed.
[19:00:41] : +Unlocked the Material Editor Renderer.
[19:00:41] : +Closed Material Editor…
[19:00:41] : +Cleared Material Editor…
[19:00:41] : >Submitting 3dsmax Render Job to Local Repository…
[19:00:41] : >Saving Scene For Submission…
[19:00:44] : >Initiating Regular Job Submission…
[19:00:44] : >Submitting All Frames In One Job…
[19:00:49] : +Restored the Locked State of the Material Editor Renderer…
[19:00:54] : +Restored the Open State of the Render Scene Dialog…
[19:00:54] : +Restored the Material Editor Samples…
[19:00:54] : ==JOB [ 082_2430_roverDeadlineTest_011 ] SUBMISSION MESSAGE START======================================================================================

Deadline Command BG 5.1 [v5.1.0.47014 R]

Submitting to Repository: \\repository\DeadlineRepository

Submission Contains the Following:

  1. Auxiliary File #1 (“C:\Users\VFX030.SSVFX\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\temp\max_job_info.job”)
  2. Auxiliary File #2 (“C:\Users\VFX030.SSVFX\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\temp\082_2430_roverDeadlineTest_011.max”)


The only thing that I think has changed recently in our setup is that our sys admin has changed the default for where the repository is, have you any idea where would be a good place to start looking for things related to g-buffer bits?



Hey John,

That’s a strange one. Are you able to post the render log from this job? We can see if it mentions anything about extra channels there.

Also, are you able to create and post a very simple test scene that reproduces the problem? We could use that to try and reproduce here, which would help us in tracking down the problem.


  • Ryan

Right so!

Here’s the log from martin’s render test:

Log Message

0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: exr_passes_test (005_031_001_6297a5fc)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin 3dsmax
0: INFO: About: 3dsmax Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: Start Job called - starting up 3dsmax plugin
0: INFO: Rendering with 3dsmax version: 2012
0: INFO: Build of 3dsmax to force: 64bit
0: INFO: Rendering with executable: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\3dsmax.exe
0: INFO: Checking registry for 3dsmax language code
0: INFO: Found language code: 409
0: INFO: Language code string: enu
0: INFO: Fail on existing 3dsmax process: 0
0: INFO: Load 3dsmax timeout: 1000 seconds
0: INFO: Start job timeout: 1000 seconds
0: INFO: Progress update timeout: 80000 seconds
0: INFO: Progress update timout disabled: 0
0: INFO: Slave mode enabled: 1
0: INFO: Silent mode enabled: 0
0: INFO: Local rendering enabled: 1
0: INFO: Strict 3dsmax check enabled: 1
0: INFO: Verifying installation of 3dsmax 2012 at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012
0: INFO: Version of core.dll:
0: INFO: Ensuring 3dsmax install is valid
0: INFO: Running 3dsmaxcmd workaround
0: INFO: 3dsmaxcmd.exe returned: P03/12/2012 10:12:58; Error opening scene file: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012”
0: INFO: 3dsmax start up file: C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Render_039\plugins\deadlineStartupMax2012.max
0: INFO: Using user profiles: 1
0: INFO: Using 3dsmax ini file: C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2012 - 64bit\enu\3dsmax.ini
0: INFO: Network log file: C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2012 - 64bit\enu\Network\Max.log
0: INFO: Plugin ini file: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Not including user profile plugin ini because it does not exist: C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2012 - 64bit\enu\Plugin.UserSettings.ini
0: INFO: Lightning connection plugin: C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Render_039\plugins\lightning64Max2012.dlx
0: INFO: 3dsmax socket connection port: 60402
0: INFO: Creating startup script: C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Temp\
0: INFO: Copying C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Render_039\plugins\lightning64Max2012.dlx to C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\temp\lightning\lightning.dlx
0: INFO: Copying dl.ini to C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2012 - 64bit\enu to workaround a problem with version 2012
0: INFO: If this fails, make sure that the necessary permissions are set on this folder to allow for this copy to take place
0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process 3dsmaxProcess
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Brazil Console.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.MSP Acceleration.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.FumeFX.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.FumeFX Dynamics:.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “FumeFX\s*$” will be handled by pressing “Yes”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Maxwell Translation Window.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Import Multilight.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.New updates are available - Craft Director Tools.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Hair Farm” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Batch Render In Progress” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Pencil” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.VRay authorization.” will be handled by pressing “Cancel”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.V-Ray warning.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.File Load: Units Mismatch.” will be handled by pressing “Adopt the File’s Unit Scale?;OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.File Load: Gamma & LUT Settings Mismatch.” will be handled by pressing “Adopt the File’s Gamma and LUT Settings?;OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.3ds Max.” will be handled by pressing “Yes”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Frame Rate Change.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.MAXScript Auto-load Script Error.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history settings.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history note.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Warning - the software has encountered a problem.” will be handled by pressing “Don’t show me this error again;Continue”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Frantic Films FPS Watchdog.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Missing Dlls.” will be handled by pressing “Cancel”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Brazil r/s Rio Warning” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “3D Studio MAX” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.New updates are available - Craft Director Tools.” will be handled by pressing “Cancel”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Pop-up Note.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Tablet Version Mismatch.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Tablet Driver.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Gather error.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Image I/O Error.” will be handled by pressing “Retry”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Important nPower Plug-in Messages.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.glu3D.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.glu3D Warning!.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Bitmap Filter Error.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Maxwell Plug-in Update Notification.” will be handled by pressing “Don’t notify me about this version automatically;Close”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.RealFlow Plug-in Update Notification.” will be handled by pressing “Don’t notify me about this version automatically;Close”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Learning Movies.” will be handled by pressing “Show this dialog at startup;Close”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Obsolete File.” will be handled by pressing “Don’t display this message.;OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Error Loading.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.IO Error.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Error.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Loading of custom driver failed.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Warning” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Welcome To Vue 8 xStream!.” will be handled by pressing “Don’t show this dialog again;Close”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Vue 8 xStream.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.3ds Max Performance Driver.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.* Autodesk Customer Involvement Program.*” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.nPower Software Plugin Product Selection Dialog.” will be handled by pressing “Solids Bundle (Solids + Translators);OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Exception.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.DbxHost Message.” will be handled by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: False
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\3dsmax.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -p “dl.ini” -q -s “C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Render_039\plugins\deadlineStartupMax2012.max”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: INFO: Waiting for connection from 3dsmax
0: STDOUT: Dark
0: INFO: Connected to 3dsmax plugin version Lightning Apr 11 2012 11:42:39 R
0: INFO: Scene file to render: “C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Render_039\jobsData\passes tedt.max”
0: INFO: Camera: “Camera001”
0: INFO: Restarting renderer after each frame: 1
0: INFO: Showing frame buffer: 1
0: INFO: Overriding render output: “\qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest_.exr”
0: INFO: Frame number base: 0
0: INFO: Remove padding from output filename: 0
0: INFO: Ignore missing external file errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing UVW errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing XREF errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing DLL errors: 0
0: INFO: Disabling Multipass: 0
0: INFO: Loading 3dsmax scene file
0: INFO: [filename]
[size] 640x480
[aspect] 1

0: INFO: Executing script: C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Render_039\plugins\
0: INFO: Applying customizations to max file…
0: INFO: >Adding scene path ‘C:\Users\vfxrender\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Render_039\jobsData’ to session paths
0: INFO: >General Renderer Settings:
0: INFO: +Render Width set to 640
0: INFO: +Render Height set to 480
0: INFO: +Pixel Aspect set to 1.0
0: INFO: +Atmospherics set to true
0: INFO: +Effects set to true
0: INFO: +Displacements set to true
0: INFO: +Area Lights/Shadows As Points set to false
0: INFO: +Force 2-Sided set to false
0: INFO: +Render Hidden Geometry set to false
0: INFO: +Video Color Check set to false
0: INFO: +Super Black set to false
0: INFO: +Render To Fields set to false
0: INFO: +Skip Existing Frames set to false
0: INFO: >Bitmap Pager Settings:
0: INFO: +Not overriding Bitmap Pager setting
0: INFO: >Render Environment Settings:
0: INFO: +Background Color set to (color 0 0 0)
0: INFO: +Use Environment Map set to false
0: INFO: +Ambient Color set to (color 0 0 0)
0: INFO: +Global Light Tint Color set to (color 255 255 255)
0: INFO: +Global Light Level set to 1.0
0: INFO: >V-Ray detected as current renderer.
0: INFO: +Enabled VRay silent mode
0: INFO: +fixedRate_subdivs set to 1
0: INFO: +twoLevel_baseSubdivs set to 1
0: INFO: +twoLevel_fineSubdivs set to 4
0: INFO: +adaptiveSubdivision_minRate set to -1
0: INFO: +adaptiveSubdivision_maxRate set to 2
0: INFO: +adaptiveSubdivision_threshold set to 0.1
0: INFO: +adaptiveSubdivision_rand set to true
0: INFO: +imageSampler_outline set to false
0: INFO: +imageSampler_normal set to false
0: INFO: +imageSamper_normal_threshold set to 0.05
0: INFO: +filter_on set to true
0: INFO: +filter_size set to 1.5
0: INFO: +options_displacement set to true
0: INFO: +options_lights set to true
0: INFO: +options_hiddenLights set to true
0: INFO: +options_shadows set to true
0: INFO: +options_defaultLights set to 2
0: INFO: +options_reflectionRefraction set to true
0: INFO: +options_limitDepth set to false
0: INFO: +options_maxDepth set to 2
0: INFO: +options_maps set to true
0: INFO: +options_filterMaps set to true
0: INFO: +options_transpMaxLevels set to 50
0: INFO: +options_transpCutoff set to 0.001
0: INFO: +options_dontRenderImage set to false
0: INFO: +options_overrideMtl_on set to false
0: INFO: +options_showGIOnly set to false
0: INFO: +options_ray_bias set to 0.0
0: INFO: +options_glossyEffects set to true
0: INFO: +gi_on set to true
0: INFO: +gi_reflectCaustics set to false
0: INFO: +gi_refractCaustics set to true
0: INFO: +gi_saturation set to 1.0
0: INFO: +gi_contrast set to 1.0
0: INFO: +gi_contrast_base set to 0.5
0: INFO: +gi_saveMapsPerFrame set to true
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_minRate set to -3
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_maxRate set to 0
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_subdivs set to 50
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_interpSamples set to 20
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_colorThreshold set to 0.3
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_normalThreshold set to 0.1
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_distThreshold set to 0.1
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_blurGI set to 0.0
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_showCalcPhase set to false
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_showDirectLight set to false
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_showSamples set to false
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_calcInterpSamples set to 10
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_randomize set to true
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_checkSampleVisibility set to false
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_dontDelete set to true
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_useCurrentPassSamples set to true
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_autoSave set to false
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_switchToSavedMap set to false
0: INFO: +photonMap_bounces set to 10
0: INFO: +photonMap_autoDist set to true
0: INFO: +photonMap_searchDist set to 20.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_maxPhotons set to 30
0: INFO: +photonMap_multiplier set to 1.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_maxDensity set to 0.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_convert set to false
0: INFO: +photonMap_interpSamples set to 10
0: INFO: +photonMap_convexHullEstimate set to false
0: INFO: +photonMap_storeDirectLight set to true
0: INFO: +photonMap_retraceCorners set to 0.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_retraceBounces set to 10
0: INFO: +photonMap_dontDelete set to true
0: INFO: +photonMap_autoSave set to false
0: INFO: +photonMap_switchToSavedMap set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_subdivs set to 1000
0: INFO: +lightcache_sampleSize set to 0.02
0: INFO: +lightcache_filter_type set to 1
0: INFO: +lightcache_filter_size set to 0.04
0: INFO: +lightcache_bounces set to 100
0: INFO: +lightcache_showCalcPhase set to 0
0: INFO: +lightcache_storeDirectLight set to 1
0: INFO: +lightcache_scale set to 0
0: INFO: +lightcache_mode set to 0
0: INFO: +lightcache_interpSamples set to 10
0: INFO: +lightcache_prefilter_on set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_prefilter_samples set to 10
0: INFO: +lightcache_dontDelete set to true
0: INFO: +lightcache_autoSave set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_switchToSavedMap set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_useForGlossyRays set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_numPasses set to 8
0: INFO: +caustics_on set to false
0: INFO: +caustics_multiplier set to 1.0
0: INFO: +caustics_searchDist set to 5.0
0: INFO: +caustics_maxPhotons set to 60
0: INFO: +caustics_maxDensity set to 0.0
0: INFO: +caustics_dontDelete set to true
0: INFO: +casutics_autoSave set to false
0: INFO: +caustics_switchToSavedMap set to false
0: INFO: +environment_gi_on set to false
0: INFO: +environment_gi_color set to (color 204 229.5 255)
0: INFO: +environment_gi_color_multiplier set to 1.0
0: INFO: +environment_gi_map_on set to true
0: INFO: +environment_rr_on set to false
0: INFO: +environment_rr_color set to (color 0 0 0)
0: INFO: +environment_rr_color_multiplier set to 1.0
0: INFO: +environment_rr_map_on set to true
0: INFO: +colorMapping_type set to 0
0: INFO: +colorMapping_darkMult set to 1.0
0: INFO: +colorMapping_brightMult set to 1.0
0: INFO: +colorMapping_affectBackground set to true
0: INFO: +colorMapping_clampOutput set to false
0: INFO: +camera_type set to 0
0: INFO: +camera_overrideFOV set to false
0: INFO: +camera_fov set to 45.0
0: INFO: +camera_cyl_height set to 400.0
0: INFO: +camera_fish_autoDistance set to true
0: INFO: +camera_fish_distance set to 2.0
0: INFO: +camera_fish_curve set to 1.0
0: INFO: +dof_on set to false
0: INFO: +dof_shutter set to 5.0
0: INFO: +dof_bias set to 0.0
0: INFO: +dof_distance set to 200.0
0: INFO: +dof_getFromCamera set to false
0: INFO: +dof_sides_on set to false
0: INFO: +dof_sides_num set to 5
0: INFO: +dof_sides_rotation set to 0.0
0: INFO: +dof_anisotropy set to 0.0
0: INFO: +dof_subdivs set to 6
0: INFO: +moblur_on set to false
0: INFO: +moblur_duration set to 1.0
0: INFO: +moblur_intervalCenter set to 0.5
0: INFO: +moblur_bias set to 0.0
0: INFO: +moblur_prepassSamples set to 1
0: INFO: +moblur_geometryParticles set to false
0: INFO: +moblur_geomSamples set to 2
0: INFO: +dmc_earlyTermination_amount set to 0.85
0: INFO: +dmc_earlyTermination_threshold set to 0.01
0: INFO: +dmc_timeDependent set to true
0: INFO: +dmc_earlyTermination_minSamples set to 8
0: INFO: +dmc_subdivs_mult set to 1.0
0: INFO: +displacement_overrideMax set to true
0: INFO: +displacement_edgeLength set to 4.0
0: INFO: +displacement_viewDependent set to true
0: INFO: +displacement_maxSubdivs set to 256
0: INFO: +displacement_tightBounds set to true
0: INFO: +displacement_amount set to 1.0
0: INFO: +displacement_relative set to true
0: INFO: +system_raycaster_maxLevels set to 80
0: INFO: +system_raycaster_minLeafSize set to 0.0
0: INFO: +system_raycaster_faceLevelCoeff set to 1.0
0: INFO: +system_region_x set to 64
0: INFO: +system_region_y set to 64
0: INFO: +system_region_meaning set to 0
0: INFO: +system_region_sequence set to 4
0: INFO: +system_region_sequence_reverse set to 0
0: INFO: +system_previousRender set to 0
0: INFO: +system_frameStamp_on set to false
0: INFO: +system_frameStamp_string set to V-Ray %vrayversion | file: %filename | frame: %frame | primitives: %primitives | render time: %rendertime
0: INFO: +system_frameStamp_fullWidth set to true
0: INFO: +system_frameStamp_justify set to 0
0: INFO: +system_workInCameraSpace set to true
0: INFO: +system_instancedObjects set to 2
0: INFO: +system_checkForMissingFiles set to false
0: INFO: +system_optimizedAtmospherics set to false
0: INFO: +system_lowThreadPriority set to false
0: INFO: +system_vrayLog_show set to true
0: INFO: +system_vrayLog_level set to 3
0: INFO: +system_raycaster_memLimit set to 500
0: INFO: +system_vrayLog_file set to %TEMP%\VRayLog.txt
0: INFO: +output_on set to false
0: INFO: +output_useram set to true
0: INFO: +output_getsetsfrommax set to true
0: INFO: +output_width set to 640
0: INFO: +output_height set to 480
0: INFO: +output_aspect set to 1.0
0: INFO: +output_saveRawFile set to false
0: INFO: +output_genpreview set to false
0: INFO: +output_splitgbuffer set to false
0: INFO: +output_splitRGB set to true
0: INFO: +output_splitAlpha set to true
0: INFO: +Image Sampler set to Adaptive QMC
0: INFO: +Primary Bounces GI Engine set to Quasi-Monte Carlo
0: INFO: +Primary Secondary GI Engine set to Quasi-Monte Carlo
0: INFO: +Adv.Irradiance Map Interpolation Type set to Least squares fit (good/smooth)
0: INFO: +Adv.Irradiance Map Sample Lookup set to Density-based (best)
0: INFO: +Region Sequence set to Triangulation
0: INFO: +Frame Stamp Justify set to Left
0: INFO: >Performing XREF workaround…
0: INFO: >Scanning Renderer Paths…
0: INFO: >Done Scanning Renderer Paths.
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 14
0: INFO: Render Tasks called
0: INFO: Lightning: Render frame 14
0: INFO: Lightning: Rendering frame \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest_0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Rendering 44 render elements
0: INFO: Lightning: Setting up render parameters
0: INFO: Lightning: Rendering camera node Camera001
0: INFO: Lightning: Checking multipass info for frame 14
0: INFO: Lightning: Opening renderer
0: INFO: Lightning: Multipass disabled
0: INFO: Lightning: Rendering 1 passes
0: INFO: Lightning: Checking output paths
0: INFO: Lightning: Checking default actions
0: INFO: Lightning: Calling renderer
0: INFO: Preparing tone operator.
0: INFO: Preparing camera sampler…
0: INFO: Preparing objects
0: INFO: Loading bitmaps…
0: INFO: Updating transformation matrices
0: INFO: Updating objects
0: INFO: Updating instances
0: INFO: Preparing lights
0: INFO: Preparing lights
0: INFO: Preparing lights (VRayLight001)
0: INFO: Preparing lights (VRayLight001): done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Preparing atmospherics
0: INFO: Preparing render effects
0: INFO: Compiling scene geometry
0: INFO: Preparing ray server…
0: INFO: Building static raycast accelerator…
0: INFO: Building static raycast accelerator…: done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Building motion blur raycast accelerator…
0: INFO: Preparing direct light manager…
0: INFO: Preparing global light manager…
0: INFO: Lightning: CallCurRendererRenderFrame returned code 1
0: INFO: Lightning: Render done
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest_0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest_0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Checking render elements
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__MultiMatteElement0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__MultiMatteElement0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayAlpha0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayAlpha0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayAtmosphere0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayAtmosphere0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayBackground0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayBackground0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayBumpNormals0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayBumpNormals0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayCaustics0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayCaustics0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayDiffuseFilter0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayDiffuseFilter0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayDRBucket0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayDRBucket0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayExtraTex0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayExtraTex0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayGlobalIllumination0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayGlobalIllumination0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayIlluminance0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayIlluminance0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayLighting0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayLighting0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayLightSelect0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayLightSelect0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayMatteShadow0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayMatteShadow0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlID0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlID0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlReflectGlossiness0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlReflectGlossiness0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlReflectHilightGlossiness0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlReflectHilightGlossiness0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlRefractGlossiness0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlRefractGlossiness0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlSelect0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayMtlSelect0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayNormals0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayNormals0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayObjectID0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayObjectID0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayObjectSelect0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayObjectSelect0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawGlobalIllumination0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawGlobalIllumination0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawLighting0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawLighting0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawReflection0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawReflection0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawRefraction0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawRefraction0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawShadow0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawShadow0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawTotalLighting0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRawTotalLighting0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayReflection0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayReflection0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayReflectionFilter0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayReflectionFilter0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRefraction0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRefraction0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRefractionFilter0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRefractionFilter0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayRenderID0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayRenderID0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRaySampleRate0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRaySampleRate0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRaySamplerInfo0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRaySamplerInfo0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRaySelfIllumination0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRaySelfIllumination0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayShadows0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayShadows0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRaySpecular0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRaySpecular0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRaySSS20014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRaySSS20014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayTotalLighting0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayTotalLighting0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayUnclampedColor0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayUnclampedColor0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayVelocity0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayVelocity0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayWireColor0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayWireColor0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\EXR_passesTest__VRayZDepth0014.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap1\vol4\ldom1\Assets\Dust_Storm\tests\exr_test\EXR_passesTest__VRayZDepth0014.exr

Log Details

Log Date/Time = Dec 03/12 10:14:06
Frames = 14-14

Slave Machine = Render_039
Slave Version = v5.1.0.47014 R

Plugin Name = 3dsmax

And the log from Giacamo’s:

Log Message

0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 100
0: INFO: Render Tasks called
0: INFO: Lightning: Render frame 100
0: INFO: Lightning: Rendering frame \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Rendering 44 render elements
0: INFO: Lightning: Setting up render parameters
0: INFO: Lightning: Rendering viewport
0: INFO: Lightning: Opening renderer
0: INFO: Lightning: Multipass disabled
0: INFO: Lightning: Rendering 0 passes
0: INFO: Lightning: Checking output paths
0: INFO: Lightning: Checking default actions
0: INFO: Lightning: Calling renderer
0: INFO: Preparing tone operator.
0: INFO: Preparing camera sampler…
0: INFO: Preparing objects
0: INFO: Loading bitmaps…
0: INFO: Updating transformation matrices
0: INFO: Updating objects
0: INFO: Updating instances
0: INFO: Preparing lights
0: INFO: Preparing lights
0: INFO: Preparing lights (VRayLight001)
0: INFO: Preparing lights (VRayLight001): done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Preparing atmospherics
0: INFO: Preparing render effects
0: INFO: Compiling scene geometry
0: INFO: Preparing ray server…
0: INFO: Building static raycast accelerator…
0: INFO: Building static raycast accelerator…: done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Building motion blur raycast accelerator…
0: INFO: Preparing direct light manager…
0: INFO: Preparing global light manager…
0: INFO: Lightning: CallCurRendererRenderFrame returned code 1
0: INFO: Lightning: Render done
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Checking render elements
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_MultiMatteElement0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_MultiMatteElement0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayAlpha0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayAlpha0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayAtmosphere0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayAtmosphere0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayBackground0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayBackground0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayBumpNormals0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayBumpNormals0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayCaustics0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayCaustics0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayDiffuseFilter0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayDiffuseFilter0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayDRBucket0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayDRBucket0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayExtraTex0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayExtraTex0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayGlobalIllumination0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayGlobalIllumination0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayIlluminance0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayIlluminance0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayLighting0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayLighting0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayLightSelect0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayLightSelect0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayMatteShadow0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayMatteShadow0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayMtlID0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayMtlID0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayMtlReflectGlossiness0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayMtlReflectGlossiness0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayMtlReflectHilightGlossiness0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayMtlReflectHilightGlossiness0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayMtlRefractGlossiness0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayMtlRefractGlossiness0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayMtlSelect0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayMtlSelect0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayNormals0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayNormals0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayObjectID0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayObjectID0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayObjectSelect0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayObjectSelect0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRawGlobalIllumination0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRawGlobalIllumination0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRawLighting0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRawLighting0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRawReflection0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRawReflection0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRawRefraction0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRawRefraction0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRawShadow0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRawShadow0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRawTotalLighting0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRawTotalLighting0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayReflection0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayReflection0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayReflectionFilter0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayReflectionFilter0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRefraction0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRefraction0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRefractionFilter0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRefractionFilter0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayRenderID0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayRenderID0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRaySampleRate0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRaySampleRate0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRaySamplerInfo0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRaySamplerInfo0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRaySelfIllumination0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRaySelfIllumination0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayShadows0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayShadows0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRaySpecular0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRaySpecular0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRaySSS20100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRaySSS20100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayTotalLighting0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayTotalLighting0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayUnclampedColor0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayUnclampedColor0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayVelocity0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayVelocity0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayWireColor0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayWireColor0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\Users\VFXREN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa_VRayZDepth0100.exr
0: INFO: Lightning: Saved image to \qnap2\vol3\ldom2\Shots\999_9999\3D\Renders\aaa_VRayZDepth0100.exr

Log Details

Log Date/Time = Nov 30/12 15:29:36
Frames = 100-100

Slave Machine = Render_078
Slave Version = v5.1.0.47014 R

Plugin Name = 3dsmax
[/code] (75.8 KB)

Thanks! Just to confirm, are these scene files the original before submission, or are the the scene files you grabbed from the repository because they were submitted with the job?

The reason I ask is that when I opened Martin’s scene file, it had all those elements in it, and when I hit Render, it saved them all out. If the scene was from the repo, it could be an issue with the submitter setting those elements in the scene file prior to it being submitted.

Those files are from the repository.

Just to confirm, the extra passes being added in are the following:


And not the list of vray elements which are ones that we manually ask for.

They’re the elements that you’d add into an exr from the g-buffer section of the max exr options dialog here:

I just did a quick check of the file I sent over and while there’s nearly every vray element under the sun listed in the render elements tab of the render dialog, none of the above elements are listed anywhere in the save dialogs of the EXR files, or in the main list of render elements themselves, so I can’t see any reason why every one of our render element sequences is also getting that entire list of g-buffer channels put in when for each element it should only be RGBA.

Odd one!

Thanks for clarifying that! I tested out Martin’s scene again, and did a local render and a Deadline render. When I loaded the output images from these renders into Nuke, both the local and Deadline images only had the rgba channels. I got the same results when I tested Giacamo’s scene.

The only change I made to either scene was setting the output path to a folder that exists here.

Since I can’t reproduce here, I’m a bit stumped…

Hmm, here’s martin’s scene pre-submit, the only thing I could think of is would it be happening at the stage where the slave is taking a temp exr on the slave’s local drive and writing it across to the final output path? I had a look at a node writing these files on friday and for small passes (id mattes and so on) they seemed to take a bit of time each - would it be anything to do with the lightning plugin?

Here’s the file that was saved before submission anyway - usual list of vray elements but nothing to suggest g-buffer elements. The confusion of it all! (33.1 KB)

I believe there is a bug in Max2011, which might not have got fixed until Max2013, which means that the bitmap image plugin for a particular file format gets borked at some point during a 3dsMax session. I think this might be tied up with the VRay plugin being used at the same time as well.
Simple way to test/fix you have this situation is to change your image file format you are saving to, to something different like JPEG (a non multi-channel format), save your Max file. Re-open it and set the file format back to what you really want. Try submitting it to the farm again.
Or test this situation in Max2013 if you have it available locally?

Hmm - Good to know. What I do as a process before we submit files, is run a script that sets the paths and files for our passes, and makes sure that the EXR’s go out with scanline, datawindow and zips compression. I found that max won’t allow you to apply settings if there’s an EXR output filename specified, so you have to unset all of your filenames first, then change EXR options and then set your filenames after. Do you think changing to Jpeg and back to EXR would help? Or o you definitely have to shut max? Have you got any link to a bug report or a discussion on the subject?

I’d well believe it though, it seems that the macrorecorder gets broken during a max session at times and you have to do a restart to get it back.

Cheers for the replies Mike and Ryan!

Also as a thought, with this mean moreso that it was due to the render node’s bitmap config and not the workstations?

You could test that by starting the Deadline slave on a workstation (preferably one where you’ve confirmed the local render works). If it renders properly, then it could be a configuration issue with the nodes only.

Ryan you’re a star, will try that.

Is there a chance that having a different language on render nodes would mess up things? It’s got the same decimal separator but are there anything else that’d majorly affect things? I’ve a current render going through that seems to mess up the rotations of some animated objects so it’s pointing to all not being well in the setup of our render nodes!

The last test seemed to work fine as you suggested too - deadline rendered a shot fine when run on the workstation.

I personally haven’t heard of any rendering problems specific to having a different language installed…

Does the problem seem to happen across all nodes, or are there perhaps a few bad apples in the farm? One way to check is to check which tasks were responsible for bad frames, and then check which slaves completed those tasks.

It’s consistent across all nodes unfortunately, so it opens up the possibility of pretty much anything as opposed to a specific config or plugin - very annoying. It’s an intermittent problem too and I can’t figure out what the difference is between what the others here are doing to cause issues.


Here’s an annoyance.

Just to check if it was something wrong with our max config, I threw out max 2013 (we only use 2012 so just in case 2013 modifies things), all of the afterworks plugins, xmesh and anything besides vray that we put everything through. I stuck in max 2012 sp2 and also product update 12 just in case it was a version thing.

Rendered through our test scene, same issue - extra channels in the exr elements.
Deleted all the render elements, unset the render output names with renderouputFilename = “” - same issue.
Deleted all the elements, changed back to scanline, unset file output names, saved the file, reopened the file and changed back to vray, added some elements and rendered - same issue.

This is all on one machine.

I opened the bad scene, rendered it locally out to the same path and no issues.
Lastly I ran backburner on the node from above that I’d “cleaned” and rendered the same file through that - files came out with no issues.

What is the difference between how deadline renders a job or assembles a scene as compared to how backburner does it? Deadline seems to apply a tonne of options before it sends the job off to the repository which is a bit worrying - or does it merge it into some other kind of deadline scene with deadline options?

Just to confirm, this is still a render-node only problem right?

If you could pinpoint the configuration difference between a workstation and a node, that would be a step in the right direction. Because we can’t reproduce it here, it makes it difficult to track this issue down.

There are definitely differences between how Deadline and backburner work, but since backburner is a black box, it’s difficult to comment on how they differ when controlling the Max render. That being said, AFAIK we are loading the scene and rendering it in the correct manner, but it’s definitely possible there could be one thing we’re missing that could cause this behavior. If we’re not able to reproduce though, it’s very difficult to determine if this is the case or not.

Under the Options tab in the Max submitter, you can choose to disable the extra settings for a particular renderer. This will reduce the amount of settings that Deadline applies when it loads the scene file. It’s definitely worth a try.


  • Ryan

It turned out to be the “enable local rendering” option in the user options - I tried to copy and paste one of the local exr files before they were copied across to the final file server as I was suspicious as to what lightning.dlx was doing after each render was finished, and it turned out that if I rendered on my test node that had problems, turning off enable local render and resubmitting stopped the extra channels getting written into the exr’s. Is there any kind of more verbose log that I can turn on to give you guys better debugging info?

That’s interesting. When local rendering is enabled, we change the output path to a local one, and I’m guessing that when the path is changed, the channels that are defined get reset to the default, I’m also guessing the default comes from a local system configuration.

We’ve logged this as a bug. We’ll see if we can find a way to maintain the extra image info like channels when changing the output path.


  • Ryan

Now the final thing to solve is the oddity of TGA files appearing named as Exr files, then we’re bug free!