Hello. I have some quastions for the rendering using 3ds max.
I instaled the Dedline on 2 computers with Windows 7 OS.And the second one dose not render the scene.
0: INFO: Render Executable: “E:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmax.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -p “C:\Users\Gapon\AppData\Local\Temp\dl.ini” -q -s “C:\Users\Gapon\AppData\Local\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax2009.max”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “E:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: INFO: Waiting for connection from 3dsmax
0: WARNING: Monitored managed process 3dsmaxProcess is no longer running
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - An error occurred in StartJob(): 3dsmax startup: Error getting connection from 3dsmax: Monitored managed process “3dsmaxProcess” has exited or been terminated.
2010/01/22 10:11:12 ERR: An unexpected exception has occurred in the network renderer and it is terminating.
Exception Details
RenderPluginException – An error occurred in StartJob(): 3dsmax startup: Error getting connection from 3dsmax: Monitored managed process “3dsmaxProcess” has exited or been terminated.
2010/01/22 10:11:12 ERR: An unexpected exception has occurred in the network renderer and it is terminating.
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.Data: ( )
Exception.TargetSite: Void StartJob(Deadline.Jobs.Job)
Exception.Source: deadline
в Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.StartJob(Job job)
в Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(Job job)
в Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()
Onthe main computer 3ds max installed in “E:.…” in on the slave 3ds max is in "C:" but deadline slave is trying to run 3ds max from “E:.…” ? Is it correct? Or all paths should be identical for all computers on there local drives?
All discs are shared for all users with full a access.
Best Geragds
Hi Alec,
Deadline allows you to specify multiple paths for render executables in the plugin configuration, and Deadline will use which ever path it finds first. To access the plugin configuration, open the Monitor and while in super user mode select Tools -> Configure Plugins. Then select the 3dsmax plugin from the list on the left.
In the 3dsmax 2009 Render Executable, you can specify multiple paths, separated by semicolons. So for example, your entry might currently look like this:
E:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmax.exe
So currently, this is the only path Deadline will try to use. As an alternative, you could specify the following:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmax.exe;E:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmax.exe
This would mean that Deadline would look for the C:\ path first, and if it can’t find it, it will use the E:\ path instead. Note though that this is assuming that the main computer doesn’t have 3dsmax installed to C:. If both machines can access a 3dsmax install via the C:\ and E:\ paths, then this solution won’t work. If that’s the case, you’ll have to either “hide” the E:\ path from the slave machine, or “hide” the C:\ path from the main computer.
Hope this helps!
I didn`t say before but i have Windows 7.
Oh ok. I added another path of 3dsmax for my computer but now there is another error:
Constructor: 3dsmax
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: test_NET (999_090_999_2094ec21)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin 3dsmax
0: INFO: About: 3dsmax Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: Start Job called - starting up 3dsmax plugin
0: INFO: Rendering with 3dsmax version: 2009
0: INFO: Build of 3dsmax to force: 64bit
0: INFO: Rendering with executable: E:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmax.exe
WARNING: an error occured while trying read stdout from the process: Доступ к закрытому файлу невозможен. (System.ObjectDisposedException)
0: INFO: Fail on existing 3dsmax process: 0
0: INFO: Load 3dsmax timeout: 1000 seconds
0: INFO: Start job timeout: 1000 seconds
0: INFO: Progress update timeout: 8000 seconds
0: INFO: Progress update timout disabled: 0
0: INFO: Slave mode enabled: 1
0: INFO: Silent mode enabled: 0
0: INFO: Local rendering enabled: 1
WARNING: an error occured while trying read stdout from the process: Доступ к закрытому файлу невозможен. (System.ObjectDisposedException)
0: INFO: Strict 3dsmax check enabled: 1
0: INFO: Verifying installation of 3dsmax 2009 at E:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009
0: INFO: Version of core.dll:
0: INFO: Ensuring 3dsmax install is valid
0: INFO: Running 3dsmaxcmd workaround
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - An error occurred in StartJob(): Failed to assign process “E:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmaxcmd.exe” to job object: Отказано в доступе.
Exception Details
RenderPluginException – An error occurred in StartJob(): Failed to assign process “E:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmaxcmd.exe” to job object: Отказано в доступе.
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.Data: ( )
Exception.TargetSite: Void StartJob(Deadline.Jobs.Job)
Exception.Source: deadline
в Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.StartJob(Job job)
в Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(Job job)
в Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()
This is russian language:
Отказано в доступе. - “No access”
Доступ к закрытому файлу невозможен - “There is no access to closed file” - i don`t know what does it mean “closed file”
This arror is on the slave of the main computer the same error is on another one.
Thanks!!! For your help!
Hi Alec,
This error message is a known problem with Deadline 3.1 on Windows 7 and Vista, and the current workaround is to run the Slave application from a Command Prompt, instead of the Start Menu or from the Deadline Launcher’s right-click menu. This bug will be fixed in Deadline 4.0, which is scheduled for release this month.
Thank you very much! We can wait a month Deadline is very good manager
Actually, since we’re basically in the last week of this month, you’ll probably only have to wait a couple of days.