Adding the Static Display to an Extra Info column is already possible (although not entirely obvious).
The Extra Info column already supports a system of $tokens that can be replaced dynamically with any content queried from the scene. The Tokens themselves are defined at Repository (company) level via an INI file stored under \submission\3dsMax\Main\SubmitMaxToDeadline_ExtraInfoFormats.ini
Inside this file, you will find things like
$date=((filterstring (localtime) " ")[1])
$camera=(local theCam = viewport.getCamera() if (isValidNode theCam) then else "")
$outputfilename=(if (rendOutputFilename != "") then (filenameFromPath rendOutputFilename) else "")
$outputfile=(if (rendOutputFilename != "") then (getFilenameFile rendOutputFilename) else "")
$outputtype=(if (rendOutputFilename != "") then (getFilenameType rendOutputFilename) else "")
$maxversion=(((maxVersion())[1]/1000) as string)
and many more. For example, if you wanted the name of the MAX scene file to show up in ExtraInfo0, you could just type in $scene in that field in the SMTD UI, and your Monitor would show the name in the ExtraInfo0 column!
So you should be able to add a new line to the INI file that says
$coronanoisetarget=(if (isProperty renderers.current #target_image_noise_level__error) then ("Corona Noise Target: "+ renderers.current.target_image_noise_level__error as string) else "" )
Save the INI file, launch SMTD and type in
in any of the Extra Info fields under the [Misc] tab, Exta Info rollout fields. Let’s use Extra Info 9 for our example.
If you submit a job now, the 9th Extra Info column in the Monitor will show the value of the Noise Target, or nothing of the job was not a Corona job.
So far, so good. But you don’t want to rely on your artists to populate that field manually when submitting jobs, so how do we enforce that token on every submission? We simply have to change a few more INI files in the same Repository folder to instruct SMTD to always have that value in the Extra Info 9 field:
- Locate the file “…\submission\3dsmax\Main\SubmitMaxToDeadline_Defaults.ini” and open it for editing
- Scroll to the very bottom and find the line for ExtraInfo9
- Change it to
Save the file and close it.
At this point, we have supplied a default value for the desired SMTD property. Next, we need to ensure that default value is used globally (as opposed to being overwritten by local sticky settings, or MAX file settings).
Locate the file “…\submission\3dsmax\Main\SubmitMaxToDeadline_StickySettings.ini” and open it for editing.
Scroll to the very bottom and make sure you have ExtraInfo9=false (that’s the default anyway).
Save if needed.
Locate the file “…\submission\3dsmax\Main\SubmitMaxToDeadline_ExcludeFromSceneStorage.ini” and open for editing.
Scroll to the very bottom and locate the ExtraInfo9 line.
Change it to
- Save the file.
With this, we have instructed SMTD v10 to ignore the ExtraInfo9 value stored in MAX scene files previously submitted to Deadline. Thus, opening a scene from a month ago would not override the global default we just defined with “” stored in the MAX scene.
From now on, every artist who opens SMTD and looks under the Extra Info rollout will find the “$coronanoisetarget” string automatically assigned for every new job, and your Deadline Monitor will have that extra column with the value you wanted. If the job does not use Corona, the field will remain empty. If you define something like that for V-Ray, you could put both tokens in the same Extra Info field, but only the relevant one will show up, so you can reuse the filed for multiple renderers!
You can do this with any other submission time properties you might want to expose.
As for the dynamic progress support, we will add it to the Wishlist and see what happens…