Deadline and Fusion 5 clairification

Is it possible to send Deadline jobs to a system with only the FU Client? The documentation seems to indicate it only runs on Render Nodes.



Hi David,

Yes, this is possible. Here are the details on how to set this up (from

our fusion FAQ):

You can use workstation licenses to render, you just need to do a little

tweaking to get this to work nicely. In the Plugin Configuration

settings, you need to specify two paths for the RenderExecutable option,

separated by a semicolon. The first path will be the render node path,

and the second will be the actual Fusion executable path. You then have

to make sure that the render node is not installed on your workstations.

Because you have specified two paths, Deadline will only use the second

path if the first one doesn’t exist, which is why the render nodes can’t

be installed on your workstations.


Thanks Ryan,

I missed that bit in the FAQ. I have not been able to get Fusion 5 to render this way yet. Just to clairify, I have given it this secondary path C:\Program Files\Fusion 5.1\Fusion.exe and I have set the Fusion Prefs:Script = No Login required.

It sends the job, loads the Fusion interface, but does not load the scene file. It then sits for the 135s timeout and shutsdown.

I did a quick try with Digital Fusion 4 and it works a-ok. Any ideas what to check?


Whoops, forgot this part.

After trying in with DF4, I gave the Fusion Quicktime Generation a whirl in DF4. That did not work. In the configuration I see that it points to a directory and not an executable. I assume it is then looking for RenderSlave.exe, which on a workstation, would not exist. Is this telling me that trying to use the QT Generation on a workstation is not possible. I really like the idea of  the template files and QT generation right out of Deadline. However, I don't have a RenderNode copy, just workstation version.

Thanks again - David

Hi David,

I’ve tested our current working version of the Fusion 5 plugin with the

full version on our farm and it works fine, so it’s possible that we’ve

fixed something since the release of Deadline 2.6. Does the slave log

for the failed render show any messages that might explain the problem?

With regards to the QT plugin, you’re correct that it currently only

works on RenderSlave installs. This will also be addressed in the

upcoming release. Instead of specifying a directory, you will be able to

specify the direct path to the executable you want to use. In the

meantime, you could probably tweak the current QT plugin on your farm to

work with the full version of F5. To do so…

  1. Open the file


  2. Change the line…




  3. Save the file

  4. In the Fusion QT plugin configuration, specify the directory for the

    full version of F5.

    Of course, your first problem with F5 not loading the comp could

    probably prevent this from working, although the rendering is handled a

    little differently, so you could still give it a try. We hope to have

    the next version of Deadline out within a month.


Hello Ryan,

I have posted the error log from the Fusion 5 workstation job. It loads Fusion UI, but not the .comp. As mentioned, Digital Fusion 4 does work after adding the workstation directory as suggested.

Error Message
Process timed out after 135 seconds without an update.

Slave Log
s two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:04 PM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:05 PM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:06 PM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
Scheduler Thread - Plugin loaded in 0.53 seconds.
0: Loaded job: deadlineTEST.comp (005_050_o_1fa7ea55)
0: INFO: Script plugin for Deadline 2.6.24779, built Nov 27 2006 03:04:49 R
0: INFO: >> Fusion 5 Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\005_050_o_1fa7ea55.job
0: INFO: Not enforcing a Fusion version
0: INFO: LoadFlowTimeout is 120 seconds
0: INFO: DFConnectTimeout is 15 seconds
0: INFO: Starting StartJob.mpr
0: INFO: Update timeout has been set to 135 seconds
0: INFO: Executable: "C:\Program Files\Fusion 5.1\eyeonScript.exe"
0: INFO: Arguments: "c:\deadline\slave\plugins\StartJob.eyeonscript "c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\deadlineTEST.comp" 15"
0: INFO: StartupDir: "C:\Program Files\Fusion 5.1"
0: INFO: UseJobObject: true
0: INFO: HideDosWindow: true
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:07 PM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:08 PM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:09 PM ----
0: WARNING: Process timed out after 135 seconds without an update.
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Process timed out after 135 seconds without an update.

Error Type

Error Stack Trace

at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.StartJob(String[] auxiliaryFilenames)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(String jobUniqueName, String[] auxiliaryFileNames)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()


I tried the other changes suggested for the QT generation script on a workstation, but I was unable to get it to work for either Fusion 5 or DF4. Here is the log when I tried it on DF4 (FU5 log is pretty mush the same in that it could not find the executable.

I had some other Fusion Qt questions, but since I can't get it to work, I;ll hold them until I do, as it might get explianed once I get it running. It has to do with the template files (.flw vs. .comp) and the one loader limit.

Thanks for your help, sorry to bother you about this stuff on workstation vs. rendernodes. I realize that DL is meant for rendernodes, so my situation is not the norm, or needed by very many people using DL. I just really like the quick QT generation ideas with Fusion and how simple you have made it.

I am finding that DL with AE, Max and hopefully Fusion is a fantastic program.


Error Message
Exception during render: Digital Fusion directory was not found in the semicolon separated list "C:\Program Files\DF Render Node\;C:\Program Files\Digital Fusion\"

Slave Log
tory has two slaves including this one - no license required.
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 11:56 AM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 11:57 AM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 11:58 AM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 11:59 AM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:00 PM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:01 PM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- March 26 2007 -- 12:02 PM ----
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
Scheduler Thread - Plugin loaded in 0.64 seconds.
0: Loaded job: balltest_ (004_050_x_2b68ede2)
0: INFO: Script plugin for Deadline 2.6.24779, built Nov 27 2006 03:04:49 R
0: INFO: >> Fusion Quicktime Generator for Deadline, 2006-05-31
0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\004_050_x_2b68ede2.job
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 0
0: INFO: Update timeout has been set to 14400 seconds
FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: Digital Fusion directory was not found in the semicolon separated list "C:\Program Files\DF Render Node\;C:\Program Files\Digital Fusion\"

Error Type

Error Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTasks(Int32 startTask, Int32 endTask)
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTask(Int32 task)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 frame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

Hi David,

I’ve attached both working copies of our Fusion5 and FusionQuicktimeGen

plugins respectively for you to test out. Hopefully this will resolve

the problems you’re having, because tests here seem to work fine.

For Fusion5:

  1. Make backup copies of the files in \your\repository\plugins\Fusion5

    and \your\repository\submission\Fusion5, just to be safe
  2. Unzip the attached, and open the extracted folder
  3. Copy the contents of the plugins folder to

  4. Copy the contents of the submission folder to

  5. Modify the Fusion5 plugin configuration (from the Tools menu in the

    deadline monitor while in super user mode) to point to the correct

    render executable

    For FusionQuicktimeGen:
  6. Make backup copies of the files in

    \your\repository\plugins\FusionQuicktimeGen, just to be safe
  7. Unzip the attached, and open the extracted folder
  8. Copy the contents of the folder to

  9. Modify the FusionQuicktimeGen plugin configuration (from the Tools

    menu in the deadline monitor while in super user mode) to point to the

    correct render executable (you no longer point to the directory)

    Both plugins have been tested with Fusion.exe, RenderSlave.exe, and

    ConsoleSlave.exe as the render executables. Hopefully, you have some

    luck with them. If you have any questions or run into any problems, let

    us know!


Hi Ryan,

Well here is where I am at after making your changes with the new plugins.

In DF4 submitting .flw renders a-ok (it did before the changes).

In DF4 QT generation, it now loads the UI (did this before changes), loads QT generation .flw (did not before), and then crashes DF4 before rendering first frame.

In Fusion 5.1 when either submitting a .comp or submitting a Fusion QT render, it loads the Fusion 5.1 UI, does not load the .comp and then times out.

Now the interesting part.

If I rename my 5.1 and 5.02 directories so that 5.02 is where DL looks, then I get the following behavor:

In a submitted .comp, it loads and renders a-ok.

With a submitFusion QT job, it loads Fusion 5.02, creates/loads the project, renders the project and then the following two dialogs appear before Fusion shuts down:

  1. Render Completed - Press OK

  2. Save changes to qtgem.comp - y, n, cancel.

    After replying to two dialogs then Fusion shuts down and sends the job completed info back to Dealine.

    I have checked my 5.1 configuration and the prefs for allowing external script access and network rendering are both set.

    I also checked my firewall to see if those requests are being blocked for 5.1, and they are not being stopped there.

    So to wrap up, DF4 works to .flw submissions, but crashes on QT submissions. FU5.1 doesn’t work because the .comp is not loaded and the system times out. FU5.02 works for .comps a-ok, and for QT subs it renders but gets stopped by those two dialogs, which means the next job will not process without manual intervention. I saw another tread about Fusion and catching dialogs so I assume that is a known issue at this point.

    I still have no clue why FU5.1b100 does not work.


Here is a new version of the Fusion QT plugin. It should fix the popup

problem you’re having with Fusion 5, and it also fixes a bug that

prevented the use of semicolon separated paths in the plugin configuration.

Same install instructions:

  1. Make backup copies of the files in

    \your\repository\plugins\FusionQuicktimeGen, just to be safe
  2. Unzip the attached, and open the extracted folder
  3. Copy the contents of the folder to

  4. Modify the FusionQuicktimeGen plugin configuration (from the Tools

    menu in the deadline monitor while in super user mode) to point to the

    correct render executable (you no longer point to the directory)

    I’m not sure why DF4 is crashing on QT jobs. The tests I ran here worked

    fine (we’re using vesion 4.05 build 89). The version of Fusion 5.1 I’m

    testing on is build 95 (maybe something has changed recently…).


Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the update, that solved the pop-boxes. I finally figured out why my 5.1 install was failing. I had a .scriptlib file in my install and it caused DL to fail. I don't really need it, so I just tossed it out.  I'm sure the script is the issue and not DL, but  here is the script for your reference:


while composition == nil do

globals.ev = AddEventSuite("Composition")

function ev:OnStartRender(event)

        local toollist=comp:GetToolList(false, "Saver")

 for i, tool in toollist do

  if tool.Input:GetConnectedOutput() then
   -- report the problem
   msg = "The saver named ".. tool:GetAttrs().TOOLS_Name .. " is not connected to any other tools.\n\n"
   msg = msg.."Select OK to continue anyway, or Cancel to exit."
   ret = comp:AskUser("Warning: Orphan Savers!", {
    {"Warning", Name = "Warning", "Text", ReadOnly = true, Lines = 5, Wrap = true, Default = msg},
   if ret then

DF4 still crashes on QT jobs, but since I'm not really using it much, its not a big deal. I see your version is different than mine (4.04e) and I don't see the 4.05b89  version on the Eyeon web site.

Deadline is a very slick bit of programming. I just noticed that when you do a Render Elements pass in Max, that you even have the option to view each pass in the Task RMB menu. Very nice. And the ability to set up multiple image viewers is also very handy. Great work.

Thanks for all your help.


PS. Forgot to mention that in the new Fusion QT plugin, the help window at bottom of configure plugins has the help for the older version referring to a path ending with \. That is no longer correct.