we are trying to render a quicktime video over a farm but its not rendering. We end up with just one single frame per mov like…
but if we restrict the name as .mov it renders only one single mov frame…? whats the way to get the Quicktime renders out of nuke over renderfarm… any specific convention?
using Deadline
very desperate pls help…
You need to ensure that the job only has one task, which can be done by setting the Frames Per Task (aka: task size or chunk size) to the number of frames in the sequence. This way, a single machine loads all the frames at once to create a single movie file.
its working cool and is there any way to renderout both DPX and mov at the same time where I can have varied tasksize setting for both in the same nuke file?
like I want to renderout DPX sequence over farm and mov in the same Nuke file…
or after the completion of DPX renders…
but in the same nuke file…
how is this possible?
This workflow isn’t supported out of the box by Deadline, but if you have some scripting experience, I’m sure you could write a custom submitter to do this.
The submitter would go through a Nuke comp and check if it contains a DPX and a MOV write node. If it did, it would submit two Nuke jobs which specify which write node to render. The first job would specify the DPX write node, and the second would specify the MOV node, and the second would be dependent on the first.
It’s definitely possible with a bit of elbow grease.
hi russell thank you very much for the help… can you tell what could be the way to automatically trigger the quicktime deadline submission as soon as the dpx renders get finished? is there anyway that I can trigger right from nuke and it happens overnight in the renderfarm without any human presence?
You could create a post job script:
The example script on this page shows one way of getting the output path from the job. You could use this path to build up a quicktime job submission. To see how the quicktime job files are created, take a look at the QuicktimeSubmission.py file in \your\repository\scripts\Submission\QuicktimeSubmission.