deadline and rpf's



I'm using deadline here and we just migrated to max 8 and it seems like deadline doesnot save all the secondary channels with rpf's or rla's.  I tried rendering through backburner as a test and it worked fine. 

Has anyone run into this?




Vance Miller,


Hi Vance,

I wasn’t able to reproduce the problem. I tried both rla and rpf format

and Deadline saved the extra channels for both. The output files were

the same size as those rendered out by Max 8 without Deadline.

We’ve recently released a new patch for Max 8 which fixed a bug that

prevented Deadline from rendering properly when Vray 1.47 Frame Buffer

features were enabled. It could be possible that it fixed the problem

your having as well, although we don’t know for sure. You can download

the patch from here:

You could also send the Deadline support team a small test scene that

reproduces the problem on your end, and we can test it out here to see

if we can reproduce it as well.

Kind regards,

  • Ryan

thats weird.


our max 7 renders work fine but the max 8 rpf's and rla's lose the extra channels.  and thats for both scanline and vray.  through backburner there is no problem.

we have the latest version of deadline also.  thanks for the inclusion of the vray gbuffer channels by the way!

do you think we need to reinstall our deadline for max 8?


Vance Miller


All the channels are supposed to be saved within the image file correct?

Or is there an option to save the channels to seperate files like with

the vray g-buffers? I’m assuming they are supposed to be saved within

the image, and all my tests have worked.

Let me know if my assumptions are correct. If you send us a test scene,

we can try it out.

There are certain passes that are embedded in the image file.  things like zdepth, material and object id's are among those.  the file I've attached has these checked off to save in the rpf. 


I tested this file and again it works locally, through backburner but not through deadline.

Vance Miller


Hi Vance,

I think I figured out what the problem was. The Max 8 plugin has an

option to rename the output image filename, and it is set to the output

you specified in the max render dialog by default. However, this output

filename is still set even though it is the default, and setting the

output filename like this overrides the additional format options (such

as the rpf channels). We had removed it from the other 3dsmax plugins,

but it still managed to find its way into the 3dsmax8 plugin. That’s why

it works in Max 7 for you.

Removing this option should solve the problem. Just do the following:

  1. Navidate to the 3dsmax8 plugin folder in the repository.

  2. In “”, remove the following lines:

    ro = DeadlineUtil.GetJobInfoEntry “RenderOutput”

    if ro != undefined do (

    DeadlineUtil.LogMessage ("Setting render output to " + ro)

    rendOutputFilename = ro


  3. In 3dsmax8RenderOptions.param, remove the following lines:



    Label=Render Output Image


    Description=Where the render output goes.



    Let us know if this actually fixes the problem for you, and we’ll put

    the patch on our website. We appreciate your patience and the help

    you’ve provided in figuring out this bug.

    Kind regards,
  • Ryan



that did the trick!  we're back in business with the rpf's

thanks for looking into and fixing this problem!


Vance Miller


Great to hear. We’ll get the patch on the web ASAP.

Thanks for your help.

  • Ryan