Deadline \bin\windows\ - auto-update

Hi, Using latest beta, I just can’t get the auto-update feature to work?!

  1. deadline repository network share and actual real directory have full access to read/write to everyone/admin/my user account.
  2. deadline repository option to enable auto-update and also remote administration are both set to true.
  3. I copied 2 directories including its sub-directories and also a test *.exe file into the root of the repository\bin\windows folder.
  4. I restarted deadline launcher and monitor and slave multiple times.
  5. Pulse was not running. Should it be for the system to work?

No dice. The only way I could get it to work, was by removing the “version” file in the bin\windows directory, but then the “version” file never gets re-created again, which sounds bad?

Is this the correct way to force an update or am I doing something wrong or is there a BUG here?


Hey Mike,

Auto-updating is entirely based on the Version file in the bin folder. We started doing this during 4.x because it was a lot more efficient to check a single 1KB file for changes rather than checking every single file in the bin folder. With the old way, if the network was saturated, it could take a minute or two to check for updates, which is pretty bad. :slight_smile:

The easiest way to force an update is to open the Version file in a text editor and make a change (ie: add a character or two, remove some, etc). If a local Version file is different than the repository one, that’s when an upgrade is triggered.


  • Ryan

Ah, OK. Never thought to edit the actual version file :slight_smile: