I’m running Deadline and the latest Cinema4d 23.110 + Redshift 3.0.45
All clients are on the same Deadline, Cinema4d and Redshift version.
I’m using a scene with 12 different takes, each one has it’s own render setting. I submitted the scene with marked takes to Deadline and let it render over night.
When I checked the files in the morning I realized that it rendered different files types for every task.
Sometime the same client rendered png at one task and jpegs for the other task.
After some testing I found out that Deadline uses the render settings from the main take for some tasks and the selected render setting (for this take) for some other tasks.
The same scenefile, on the same client, but different render settings on each task.
Frame ranges and output paths were taken correctly from the right render setting. Filetype, saving checkbox and probably other settings were taken from the selected main take setting.
I also tried “include Main take in all takes” on/off when submitting but couldn’t yield any positive results.
I can’t update our farm to the latest version of deadline right now because where in the final phase of a project.
Is this a known problem with and c4d?
If someone is interested I can try submit a test file here.
I can’t find any issues in the logfile connecting to this problem
Here is a simple c4d scene. The issue is not connected to redshift.
the first 20 Frames render as EXR and then the rendersettings switch.
Or do I use it wrong?
I suspect that C4D is overwriting frames rendered with previous takes, because your output path is ‘$prj/$prj’. I think it should be ‘$prj/$prj-$take’
Hey bonsak!
Thanks for your reply.
I used different file types for every take, so it is not overwriting the frames. Anyhow, this is not the issue I have. . I think the problem is of a different kind of nature.
The problem is that the first tasks submitted to deadline always use the the render settings out of the main take. After 3-5 Tasks it’s switching back to the selected Setting for the take.
Does this make sense?
I’m not sure if there is a mismatch with the newest version of c4d and the of deadline but this issue never occurred with c4d Version 23.008.
I see
I think i have had a similar problem once. I think the solution was to set the active take to one of the takes you are rendering (not the main take) before submitting but im not sure. Might be wrong
I know!
I submit the scenes always like this.
But when i do this then the above mentioned problem happens. Deadline switches render settings for each task.
Sorry it took me a while to respond. I was in the endphase of a project and couldn’t spend more time on testing.
The Problem though is still there.
I updated our Repository and the Clients to the newest version and encountering the same bug.
I changed names in the render settings to unique names as well. No change.
In my appended example the the first 4-5 Task were rendered with the rendersettings from the main Take, then it switchtes to the assigned render settings for the following Tasks. The interesting thing is that its only switchtig the settings for “filetype”.
For expample the first 5 Task render as PNG and then rendering OPENexr… in the SAME Job! It’s not even possible to submit a job that it is rendering specific tasks with different filetypes.
I’m becoming the feeling the the deadline submission plugin for c4d may cause this problem.
Were can I find the latest version for C4D r23? Maybe I’m running a old version of it which having trouble with the new C4D version.
Coming Back to this topic after 1 1/2 years and still experience the same bugs.
When submitting Takes Deadline grabs specific values (File format, Framerate, etc) from the main take.
This ruined a night of rendering for me…
All clients and repository are up to date, aswell the submission plugin. I’m using the latest from the repository.
I’ll try to make a test file in the next hours so you can try it for yourself. I can’t really rule out that it’s not a issue with my configuration, would be great if someone can test it in their environment.
So here comes the testfile
submit this file exactly how it is and it will render in the same directory where the scenefile is (it creates a folder /OUT and renders there(200frames approx.)
In every take there is a different filetype and framrate specified. The project frame rate is 30.
Important: The Takes are already marked so when submitting choose “Render Marked Takes” and check "use take frame range"
What will happen:
It will fuck up the frame rate. That’s what you see right away when you submitted. The frameranges will not fit with those displayed in your rendersettings because it applies the 25fps from the main take on all takes, no matter what you specified there.
When the stuff is rendered you will see that the output filetype will jump from every Task. For Take_A between jpg and Tif, Take_B will jump every Task from TIF to Png. I rendered it on one machine an it also happens.
Looking forward to your outcome!
One more thing: I konw, you can work around those bugs. But its a really tricky one and I think it would be cool to get some awareness for it. I’m not a coder but it seems like somthing is wrong with the submitter script for C4D. It seems to pass on the wrong values.
This makes it impossible for me to render 2 Takes with different FPS. Can’t work around it.
No. I don’t know why it’s still happening. It seems like most of the people cant recreate the bug, or nobody really cares…
I only can tell you my workarounds.
When rendering with takes: When you want to render TAKE_A then set the same rendersettings for TAKE_A and the main take If you have different render settings in the Main take and your active take you gonna see all your settings mixed up.
If you want to render multiple takes at the same time, with different render settings for each, you should split the file into different files and mark each take in each file.
You only will see stuff jump when you change stuff in the settings like the file type. Oh frame range is also a problem. Always use manual. Never set it to preview range or smth like this.
To be honest, it is super annoying.
Seems like we are the only ones rendering with takes
Good luck.
Sorry for so late response on this.
We should take look at the archived job, it may contain confidential information like internal paths. If you are not comfortable sharing it here please cut us a ticket and refer this forums thread. Here’s how to archive a job: Archiving Jobs — Deadline documentation
Have you tried using C4D normal (non-batch)plugin? If you have not, please test like below:
Submit the same scene which presents this behavior with Deadline without batch mode, you can do this by unchecking the box which says “Use Batch Plugin”.
Does it behave the same way? Please share an example job report here.
So thanks to this thread and you posts we have concluded that it is sensitive to which take is the main take/rendered first. If we rendered the beauty pass first (png) and other takes subsequently (tiff) it worked as we expected. Change the order and it messes up. It was only happening to one artist and not to others so we couldn’t quite fathom what was going on, but it seemed to be largely as you described. Chalking it down as a ‘quirk’ to be charitable
I’m fine that you use the attached file.
Unfortunately I don’t have acces to a deadline farm right now. Thus I can’t test if it fixes the issue when submitting without batch mode.
Sure, the file attached is the scene file, I wanted to take a look at the archived job and then recreate the issue if it is possible. I will then be able to cut a ticket to our engineering team.