Deadline Cloud setup -> Confusing steps, Management account, multiple errors

Hi there,
We are trying to configure Deadline Cloud via AWS Console and we’re getting multiple errors that we don’t know how to resolve:

  1. Yesterday message error was “there are no groups in your management account” BUT we have 1!
  2. Today’s error message is different, like it wants us to create an organizational instance… BUT we have one already!

Any help? We have paid support with Amazon, how can we find someone in AWS who can help us???

Best wishes.

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Any Deadline team members here? We are trying to contact them somehow but so far the only person we are getting each time is classical AWS support who just walks us through Docs :smiley:

@Justin_B any help? Please let us know how our team can contact you

You (or someone on your team) should have an email from us from midday-ish yesterday after Premium Support escalated the ticket.

Thank you! All good, we resolved the issue with the help of Deadline team