Deadline crash Popos 22.04

Suddenly seeing this error trying to run any and all deadline10 binaries on PopOS 22.04

Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown. at DeadlineCommand.DeadlineCommandAppStartup.Main(String[] args) [1] 18425 IOT instruction (core dumped) ./deadlinecommand

./deadlinelauncher Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown. at DeadlineLauncher.DeadlineLauncherAppStartup.Main(String[] args) [1] 18598 IOT instruction (core dumped) ./deadlinelauncher

It could be related to this issue? Deadline suddenly doesn't start, doesn't install (newest version)...nothing works - #4 by christianl

Sorry for missing this since yesterday…! But we did find this morning that the Deadline is broken and reported this issue as a high severity to our devs. They are working on this but we won’t be able to give an ETA as of now.

The workaround we have figured yet here is to downgrade Deadline to, here is a documentation for downgrading: (Upgrading or Downgrading Deadline — Deadline documentation)

Look forward to Deadline release notes for future bug fixtures and feature releases: (Release History — Deadline documentation)

I will share this with other forum post as well. is still available to download