Deadline Custom Events 1/3

We have created a number of Custom Event Scripts to output version info for various Windows elements and 3DS Max core details and plugins, for anybody who might find them useful, particularly when trying to keep the render farm consistent. Post 1/3

Each of the scripts is currently configured to the following Extra Info numbers, these can be renamed from the Configure Repository Options > Slave Settings > Extra Properties.

The scripts have some hard coded elements to limit to certain versions (i.e. Vray for 3DS Max 2017) as that’s the Max version we currently run, however they should be reasonably simple to adapt to your requirements.

Extra Info 0: 3DS Max Version > Lists the current 3DS Max version number, with Service Packs etc [attachment=2][/attachment]
Extra Info 1: Vray Version > Installed Vray Version Number scripted to only show version for 3DS Max 2017 [attachment=1][/attachment]
Extra Info 2: Forest Pack Pro > [attachment=0][/attachment]

Each script directory should be placed in the Deadline Repository Directory > custom > events

They should be configured in the Configure Event Plugins dialogue, specifically make sure you change the State to enabled :slight_smile:

Forgive any scripting naivety, I’m still getting to grips with Python, but hopefully they should give you a good start.

Nice! If you want to commit changes to I would be happy to merge them in too. Maybe we can even push a commit to Thinkbox’s Repo.

First where are the attachments?
I can see the flags : [attachment=1][/attachment] but the system seams to not have included the files. So I took the script from the GitHub, which is missing every Info below SlaveExtraInfo6.

Ok, “SoftwareVersions” event is installed in DL 10 and can be configured in “Configure Events” dialog over DL Monitor (only state status available). Changed every path inside the script to 3ds max 2019". I’ve sent a 3dsmax 2019 test-renderjob just to be sure it’s triggered but the slaves “Extra Info 0-9” columns aren’t being filled with anything.
Am I missing something?

It seems that the move to the new Forum has lost the attachments, ours are not on Github, so those probably are from other contributors and different logging.

I’ve reuploaded links below…

Extra Info 0: 3DS Max Version > Lists the current 3DS Max version number, with Service Packs (1.5 KB)

Extra Info 1: Vray Version > Installed Vray Version Number scripted to only show version for 3DS Max (1.8 KB)

Extra Info 2: Forest Pack Pro > (1.4 KB)

Thanks a lot, the scripts will help a lot with managing our renderfarm.