Deadline Development

Time and time again we are developing custom events for deadline which is great. However the process has a few pain staking steps that could very easily be improved :slight_smile:

I was wondering if we could add these to the wish list

  1. Give users ability to assign a keyboard shortcut to the Reload & Syncing of Scripts

  2. Add ability to right-click on and job and execute a c
    Custom Event. This would greatly increase the speed at which it takes to develop and test deadline events.

  3. The right-click menu would display all events, both disabled and enabled. It would help the current problem that exists, which is currently you can only test events by enabling it. Which causes issues in live production.


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A trick I use when working on Event Plugins is to add a __main__ that calls whatever function would be getting triggered by the event, passing along the job object or whatever else that function needs. That way I don’t have to bother with that painful iteration loop you’re dealing with, instead I can just call deadlinecommand -ExecuteScript

It is possible for you to create a Monitor script that would do what you’re looking for in #2. You should be able to lift everything you need from on of the simpler ones like /DeadlineRepository/scripts/Jobs/

I can’t say what our roadmap looks like but keep an eye on the release notes in the future!

That is not a bad idea. Yeah at the moment it’s a bit of a pain staking process to quickly develop and test scripts in deadline. Thanks for the great suggestion. I’ll have to try it out and see what i can do.