AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline Docker Container

Thanks Bobo, I will try and update as soon as I can. I’ve been trying to generate immutable AMI’s with deadline, in the eventual transition to docker, but for now I just want to build immutable AMI’s before that will be possible. This is proving to be tricky!

The installers must be performed first, without certificates, during the AMI build. Then on boot, via user data we have to generate the certs and configure the DB to use them. I am going to just focus on the DB for now, before I will tackle RCS and rendernodes. I’m working this out with a single bash script that splits installation and certificate generation until I’m convinced it works.

I cannot get deadline to work if I generate certs after the install though. I’ve got two automated install scripts here that install the DB and RCS that I’ve produced in the hope that Thinkbox will see the problem in a diff between them.

This script on ubuntu 18 works.

This version which installs certs seperate to the DB does work initially, but on reboot, any db queries will fail.

I try to validate with a query after reboot and get this error:

 /opt/Thinkbox/DeadlineDatabase10/mongo/application/bin/deadline_mongo --eval 'printjson(db.getCollectionNames())'
MongoDB shell version v3.6.19
connecting to: mongodb://deadlinedb.service.consul:27100/deadline10db?gssapiServiceName=mongodb
2021-04-03T11:51:33.165+0000 E QUERY    [thread1] Error: network error while attempting to run command 'isMaster' on host 'deadlinedb.service.consul:27100'  :
exception: connect failed

One thing I am suspicious of, is the importance of mongo_client.pem and how is it made? it is different to the standard localhost.pem?

I’ve updated the example scripts from that repo with tag v0.0.2.

I realised there we some lines in the config not being added. I’ve also removed the password from the functioning installer.

Theres really not much between those two files. I suspect it must have something to do with mongo_client.pem not being produced correctly.

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