AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline draft plugin color space

the integrated draft plugin works well for us for png sequences but not with EXRs, the colors come out too dark.

I tried the following colorspace settings. undefined, linear (the images are in linear) and sRGB which all didn’t look right.

any suggestions

for exr you basicly want to convert from linear to sRGB

Somewhere in your code, do

# Create LUT Linear for exr
if fileExtension == '.exr' :
        lut = Draft.LUT.CreateSRGB()
else :

for currFrame in frames:
	# Read in the frame.
	currFile = ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber( inFilePattern, currFrame )
	frame = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( currFile )

        if fileExtension == '.exr' :
                lut.Apply( frame )
        else :

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