Deadline Error - 3ds Max Vray - Spawner executable does not exist

Hi Everyone,

I am new to deadline and have the following problem. The 3ds max and 3dsCmd plugin are not connected to the right vrayspawner path.

V-Ray DBR: V-Ray Spawner executable does not exist: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2022\vrayspawner2022.exe

My vray spawner is in a different folder: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\VRay3dsMax2022\bin\vrayspawner2022.exe

I have added the right path in Configure Plugins - VraySpawner. However the 3ds max and 3dsCmd still seem to be linked to the wrong path. Where can I change this path?


Which version of Deadline are you using?

Have you modified the scripts to include 2022, as it’s not in there by default.

Add a 2022/2023 option to this file


Then refresh the scripts

Adjust the plugin location if needed


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Hi there, reviving this thread as I have bumped on the same problem.

Running deadline Release (690edd3fe)

Trying to prepare VraySpawner2022.exe setup, and have modified the VraySpawner.param file .

The new entry looks like this :

Label=3ds Max 2022 Spawner Executable
Category=V-Ray Spawner Executables for 3ds Max
Description=The path to the V-Ray Spawner executable file for 3ds Max 2022. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.

Ran the Synchronize Monitor Scripts & Plugins too , and if I look into the Configure Plugins/VraySpawner it seems that the param modification has been applied ( see screenshot)

However in the Vray Spanwer Submitter from within deadline the changes do not apply.

Is the perhaps the old way to submit VraySpawner jobs anymore?
Any suggestion on how to solve this issue?

Thank you!

You need to modify the plugin and add the newer options yourself. It will probably be addressed in future versions of Deadline.
Look around line 137 of <repo>/scripts/Submission/ This is where the options are defined.
When you set the correct version in the dropdown, it should work, unless there are some other differences in 3ds max versions.

Has anyone got this to work?
I have managed to modify the .param .py files to get the “submit vray dbr to deadline” to work with Max2022 and Vray5. But no matter what I do it still looks for the vrayspawner in the wrong path when trying to submit the job via the “standard” deadline submitter to off-load the spawner job. I am desperately trying to get this to work, it would save me tons of headaches. So anyone is more than welcome to share their expertise with me.