Deadline event script

Hi !

I am trying to make the draft event plugin work.

Trough the code, i saw

[code] def OnJobFinished( self, job ):
ClientUtils.LogText( “Checking job for Draft settings…” )
# If this job has a DraftTemplate, submit a Draft job
draftTemplate = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( “DraftTemplate” )

	if draftTemplate == "":
		ClientUtils.LogText( "No Draft settings found." )
		ClientUtils.LogText( "Found Draft Template: '%s'" % draftTemplate )[/code]

Does it mean the draft template have to be inside the job directory un the repository ?

If it does, is there any way i could tell deadline to always take the same template ? I will only use one template that will output me multiple movies.



Hi Fred,

The Draft template does not need to be in the Job folder for this to work (though it should be in a network-accessible location). The Event plugin looks for an extra property specified in the Job; this property gets filled in by the regular submission scripts when you fill in the Draft section (I’ve attached a screencap of what this looks like in the 3dsMax submitter).

Now, if you only ever want to run a single script on every single one of your jobs, you could modify the Event plugin to use a hard-coded template (instead of looking in the Job’s properties for one). The catch is that you’d also want to ensure you’re passing in appropriate arguments for stuff like User, Entity, Version, and any other value that the Event Plugin would have expected to find in the special Draft properties of the job.

I hope I’ve answered your question adequately, let me know if you need more details.


Im sorry but i cant get that windows anywhere. i am obligated to use shotgun to have it ?

That specific screenshot I posted is the 3dsMax integrated submitter; it’ll look different depending on which application you’re using, but pretty much all the submitters should have a Draft section similar to that one (and to clarify, you don’t need to use Shotgun at all to use Draft). Which submitters do you use to submit jobs to the farm (and for what application)?

We are using the Maya submitter, the rib, and nuke submitter

After looking around, it sounds like you must be using the Submission scripts from the Monitor, which for some reason do not have the Draft section in there (though they should – I’ll look into getting this fixed).

The integrated submission scripts (that is, the submitters you use from within Maya/Nuke/etc) should definitely have the Draft sections, though. If you haven’t set these up yet, check out our documentation on how to do so: … ript_Setup (Maya) … ript_Setup (Nuke)

If you ARE already using the integrated submission scripts, and the Draft section isn’t in those either (it should be on a separate tab), let me know and I’ll try to figure out what’s going on.


  • Jon