AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline for 3dsMAX 2025

Are we there yet?
How about open sourcing Lightening plugin?


yeah we basicly need just this, the lightening pluggin, making open source could be the key (and it’s opening door to Max beta support too)

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just open source Deadline at this point! more development happens on the forum.

Maybe that’s what’s actually being processed at the moment, OpenJobDescription being a lead into this?

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I can’t get this to work with 3dsMAXcmd either. If i choose configure plugins as in the screenshots, 2025 does appear, but when I try to submit from Deadline there is no 2025 option in the dialog. I tried choosing 2024 just for science, and the render times out trying to load the scene with 2024.

Ho actually 3dsMAXcmd is easy to release on our side, 3dSMAX we can’t without the lightening.dlx recompile (and this is the only thing not open sourced on thinkbox side, sadly)

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here we go for 3dsMAXcmd one

Now we need the lightening pluggin recompile, then it’s done.


@karpreet Could we have some news about Max2025 support (even unofficial Patch like every year),
So far only Lightening pluggin is missing.

and since we are on it, is there any plan to release the 3dsMAx lightening pluggin open source ?(so we could support sooner if we put hand on it, new max version sooner, and why not max beta version, for max beta testers)…[I don’t dream too much about this one, but could be really nice]…



We are also waiting for this recompile for deadline/3dsmax2025.

When will this be available deadline team?

Kind regards

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We are also waiting to get the official build with 3ds Max 2025 to move our team over to 3ds Max 2025. Our company does not allow beta versions in the main render pipeline. Much appreciated.


Why not just open sourcing the Lightening plugin?


@gandhics I agree with this, it’s not like user will make own from deadline, but this will be higly apreciated from max community …


a recompile of the lightening plugin would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: Thank you!


Anxious to hear a status on this. It’s critical for us. I hate to be someone complaining about a free product - but I was okay paying for Deadline! Really hard to watch this seem to shrink in terms of internal company priority. Extrapolating from the current trajectory, I fear for the long term future. :frowning:


Bump on this… Any update would be appreciated!


Here, also waiting for the update, 2025.2 is out and maybe is a good time to start using it in production :slight_smile:

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BUMP! Recompiling this should not be this difficult. Why is AWS dragging its feet?

Please open-source the lightning plugin and avoid this kind of trouble in the future, thanks.


Adding more support to open-source Lightning.dlx Josef W is currently rebuilding all Thinkbox plugins and could easily handle this.


+1 to this!

When can we expect to be able to use Max 2025?


bump! Checking in… we need this lightning.dlx for Max 2025 please…


This is catastrophic, clearly support is worst and worst… and we just need a quick recompile of the lightening .dlx… 5 months, and still a no go…Does Amazon know that now user need to upgrade each year not every 2 or 3 years?
Clearly somethign goes wrong with Deadline and 3dsMAX…

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