Hi all,
I wanna use deadline on two machines in maya for single image rendering, Is deadline capable of distribute single frame along these 2 machine? as second question does it support preview render or we should use bach render.
Hi all,
I wanna use deadline on two machines in maya for single image rendering, Is deadline capable of distribute single frame along these 2 machine? as second question does it support preview render or we should use bach render.
You can do this with Jigsaw. Here is a YouTube video demo from Bobo: youtu.be/EQEO6EUDDf0
Thanks, actually have seen this video before, so I consider my second question as capabale of rendering in preview render. Thank you again.
For which renderer? For example, VRay’s DBR would do this and is extensively supported in Deadline.
Mostly for Arnold and RenderMan, primarily with Arnold.
I don’t see an immediate way to do this with Arnold, so Jigsaw might be the closest for now. But I’m not too familiar with Arnold, so perhaps others have some suggestions.
Thanks for your time James. Appreciate that.