Deadline is interfering with our network security

Hello Devs!  My IT manager has brought this to my attention.

It seems the only way to run a PC with deadline installed (slave) is to run the system logged in as a local Administrator.  This is preventing us from implementing our local security policies for contractors, and full time employees.

Is there anything that can be done about this?


Hi Steven,

You should be able to run the Deadline Client software while logged in as any user account, provided that the account has permission to read/write to the repository directory.

All of our slave machines here at Frantic are logged in as a “render node” account. All we had to do is set the permissions on the repository share to allow this “render node” account to read and write files to it.


  • Ryan

We have a similar problem here, we have to make sur the local c:/deadline folder have the proper permission so that all the users can read/write in it.

the Simplest method is to open the c:/deadline folder to 777 (read/write/execute to everyone)

After that any user can be logged and the slave will run correctly

Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision

I wish deadline would conform to windows standard conventions.

  • Program files go in %programfiles%
  • background processes run as a service
  • machine app data goes in \local settings\application data
  • user app data goes in \application data\ or in the user registry. so they can roam.

instead we have a group policy that makes sure the c:\deadline folder has rw turned on for domain users.

But this isn't sufficient because the currently logged on user might not have permission to write the output files rendered.

And using DL as a service isn't great because if it starts rendering when a machine is idle, the user has no way of easily cancelling the job or shutting down the service, unless I give out the super user password to everyone.

It's like Deadline expects you to leave all your doors and windows unlocked and hope nothing goes wrong.