Deadline Launcher 6.0

We are getting this message each time we restart the PC:
Deadline launcher 6.0 has stopped working.

Is that when the machine is about to shutdown, or after it restarts? I believe that error provides a Details drop down, so if it does, can you send us those details too?


  • Ryan

Also, do you have the launcher running as a service?

Oops, I think my “Launcher Crash” thread was the same thing. We had one machine have the launcher crash on startup. Not a service.

Yes it happens on restart only, and what do you mean by running as a service?

Thanks guys! So it appears to affect the non-service launcher only. It’s logged as a bug.

When you install the Deadline Client on windows, you are given the option to install the Launcher as a Service so that it runs in the background.

It looks like we’ve tracked this problem down. Basically, we think that when Windows was launching the Launcher at startup, it wasn’t launching it from within the Deadline bin directory. In beta 9, the client installer will now set App Paths registry keys for each Deadline application, which appears to solve the problem.

Info on App Paths if you’re interested: … 21(v=vs.85.aspx#appPaths

We had one of our clients add the deadlinelauncher.exe App Paths key manually, and that appeared to fix the problem for them. So theoretically, it should fix it for everyone else. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan