Deadline launcher won't start

Hi, i am setuping a little render farm with deadline 6 (beta 5) and have some problems with the install of the clients… everything is working great on the server (where i have installed the repository and a client) but on my other computers the launcher refuses to start after the install… i have installed the same files on each computer (.net 4.5, python 2.6 and deadline 6 + repository on the server only) I am using the same user and login on each computer…

Any idea why the laucher won’t start?


Did you install the launcher as a service? There was the option for this in the installer. If you did, the launcher would be running in the background.


  • Ryan

No, it is not installed as a service. When i double click to start the laucher i see it appear in the processes in my task manager but it disappear after 10 seconds… and nothing is happening… On the server where the repository is installed everything is running well… (launcher\slave\monitor)

Alright, we’ll have to do some debugging then.

Can you open up a Command Prompt and run this:

deadlinelauncher.exe -console

This will allow the launcher to log to the command prompt window. After it exits, please send us anything it logged. Hopefully there is something helpful here.


  • Ryan

Seams to be a username issue… when i start the launcher under a different username it is working! So i guess i will have to setup each computer with a different user


Thanks for the support, it seems that my problem is related to mongo too… the database is not properly setuped… (i saw that afetr executing your command) I will fix that and everything sould go well…

Thanks again

I’m experiencing same issue. Could you specify how to fix it?

When I run your command I get nothing, process is running, but Launcher is absent.

When I start Slave exe directly I get this:

[code]Traceback (most recent call last):
File “DeadlineSlave\UI\Forms\”, line 95, in Startup
File “DeadlineSlave\UI\Forms\”, line 150, in ConnectToRepository
DatabaseConnectionException: An error occurred while trying to connect to the Database.

It is possible that the Mongo Database server is incorrectly configured, currently offline, or experiencing network issues.
at Deadline.StorageDB.MongoDB.MongoSlaveStorage.a(String A_0, Boolean A_1)
at Deadline.StorageDB.MongoDB.MongoSlaveStorage.GetSlaveSettings(String slaveName, Boolean invalidateCache)
at Deadline.Slaves.Slave…ctor(String slaveName, String slaveConfigName, DataController dataController, Boolean guiMode)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveManager.Connect(Boolean guiMode)

I failed fixing the database issue… i have been trying for hours yesterday… installing a new mongodb, reinstalling everything and i am still getting the same error message about mongo database… I have hit the limit of my technical skills (i am an artist after all!)… any help is welcome

We’ve discovered that the launcher crashes if it can’t connect to the Mongo database, which is a bug. This will be fixed in beta 6.

For solving the connection problem, this thread might help:


  • Ryan

New build fixed the issue, thanks!