Deadline Maya - Arnold Rendering but output file 6kb

Submitting Maya 2022 job with Arnold as Renderer (using mtoa because mtoa fails) without MayaBatch (it fails too) I found that sometimes render finishes “without errors” but the output file is invalid and weights 6kb-200kb

Deadline monitor logs show 0 errors

Help please!

Hello @Pere

Thanks for reaching out. I need to take a look at the Job report, it is weird that you are unable to find any job reports. What do you see when you look at the job reports, (here is how) and how do you it is failing?

If you have Worker logs please send them over. Worker which has rendered the job should hold the Worker logs locally on the machine under application logs.

To go a step further lets look into how to isolate render issue from Deadline:

  • To troubleshoot more submit the same job with MayaBatch disabled, there’s an option in the submitter “Use Batch Plugin” uncheck it. The job will now render via MayaCmd Plugin and will print the actual command line arguments to render the job out side of Deadline.
  • Now Look for Full Command in the job report (right click the job> View Job Reports> See the errored tasks> Ctrl+F to search for the word “Full Command”).
  • Copy this full command and run it on the same render node (by logging inside as the same user under which the render ran) which has failed the task via cmd/terminal.
  • If you get the same error it means you are able to reproduce the issue outside of Deadline and the scene/assets/render node need to be fixed.

More info is here: Troubleshooting — Deadline documentation