I am trying to send a mental ray job from maya 2013 with the deadline submission integrated script and even though I have the export settings dialog box open when I punch submit, I get an error that it couldn’t read the export submission settings and then prompts me to open the dialog again.
Did I miss a step here? Thanks
In the Export Settings dialog, do you have “mentalRay” selected as the File Type option? If not, try that and let us know if that helps.
Hello! I installed Deadline 5.2.49424 with free license option for two machines. I’m using Maya 2013 and try to submit the job using the mentalray it give me the following message:
“Could not read in Mental Ray Export settings. Please Ensure the Mental Ray Export settings dialog is open When Submitting the job to Deadline.” I set the option to type in File Export All Options with “mentalray” … could someone help me? This message always appears.
You need to have the Mental Ray export settings window open when you press Submit so that the submitter can pull values from it. If it’s not open, you’ll get that error.
Also, you should e-mail sales to get the downloads for 6.0. It’s awesome. Still free for two machines.